• Member Since 13th Sep, 2014


(Nay-vee-ka) Welcome to my corner of the multiverse. Please leave your Blunderbusses by the door.

Good Stories 363 stories
  • Good Stories 363 stories Finished Stories I enjoyed and still do. Hopefully you like them as well.
    Created by Navieka
    - October, 2014
Found 340 stories in 66ms

Total Words: 8,930,052
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


  • Currently reading 59 stories Currently Reading/Need to Start Reading (Must keep at 1 page)

  • Finished 918 stories - 7 unread chapters Stories I've Finished, No matter how good or bad.

  • Great Stories 55 stories Finished stories I feel you should read. I really liked these

  • Good Stories 363 stories Finished Stories I enjoyed and still do. Hopefully you like them as well.

  • Ok Stories 104 stories Finished stories that I think are ok. You might like them more than me.

  • Bad Stories 0 stories (Un)Finished Stories I either don't like, or if it really deserved it. (Looking at you Super Trampoline)

  • Incomplete 92 stories - 382 unread chapters Stories I'm reading and have caught up to. (Do not exceed 10 unread Chapters)

  • Thinking Fics 89 stories Because the world is a mystery, and I strive to learn all about it.


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rainbow Dash was the Iron Wing. She was a war hero, the Slayer of Shadows, the Liberator of the Crystal Empire, the Wrath of Celestia. And depending on who you ask, she still is.

But the war is over. There's little need for a pony like her in peacetime. So she keeps telling herself that she needs to adjust, that she needs to find a new role to fill in the world that she saved. But Equestria seems content to let her remain what she has become, even though they have no need of a warrior.

"This isn't how it's supposed to be", is something she keeps telling herself. But every time she says it, the only thing she can reply is, "so what should it be?"

One whole year after the close of the war, and Rainbow Dash still doesn't have the answer.

Art by NCMares.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Distorted Fate

After enduring the task of adapting to being a filly and helping to stop a potential disaster from occurring, one would think that things are finally turning around for me. Sadly... fate will never be that nice to me. Now I have deal with ponies knowing that I was originally an alien, Twilight's desire to learn everything I know, as well as training a team of ponies to handle any interdimensional issues that could come to Equus thanks to Celestia's recklessness. My life just keeps getting worse.

Oh, and everypony said I'm also going to have to go through something else, but I didn't understand the word. Just give me a moment as I look it up. I think it started with a p.

Note: It is recommended to read Distorted Fate first. Also may contain some gore.
Updates Tuesdays and Fridays.

Art: WildSoulWS
Editors: FourponyChapters I-XXXV), Hyari(Chapters I-XIV) PersonalGamer (Chapters XXIX and onward) RockstarRaccoon (Chapters XXXVIII and onward), PinkieThePrankster (Chapters Chapter LVIII and onward)

Chapters (67)

I was just hoping to get this last job done, always getting sent to this dimension or that, always doing the interests of others. Unfortunately, everyone's luck eventually runs out, and it looks like mine has ran out as well. Now somehow I got stuck in this place, in a foreign body, and things just keeps getting worse for me. What did I do to deserve this?
Note: This is not a HiE story.
Editors: Discord Kantus (Chapters I-XLII), Hyari (Chapters XXXIV and onward), Fourpony
Art: AlicornParty

Chapters (51)

The newest resident of the changeling hive feels out of place. He cannot remember the last time he had wings, holes in his arms, or talking bugs for friends. What is he? Why is he here? Will he find his way home? Will he survive in a world without coffee?

Featured on Equestria Daily

For those who have forgotten what has happened so far in the story since it was taken down, here's a chapter-by-chapter summary of all events and characters up to and including chapter 10.

Chapters (21)

If I am to tell you my story, I think it is important for you to know that I was not always the Teacher, or Doctor that I am today. In fact, helping ponies with their everyday problems in this office has been a fairly recent change in my life. Before then, I had traveled the world with a Dragon. And before that, I had spent all of my time reading books without knowing what I was looking for. And before then...well, even I don’t know all of the details...


Over four months in the making, this story will be going along with a "Dramatic Reading" series on my YouTube channel, with a total of Four chapters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7MpIoUOxow I've been getting requests from my watchers for many months to create an origin story for the character of DRWolf. So with some general concepts I thought up, and with the help of Godzillawolf: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Godzillawolf who did the majority of the writing, we are most pleased to present this tale for your enjoyment.

Chapters (4)

That wacky Spirit of Chaos is at it again...
Except, there's no ponies in the audience.
There's nothing, really. Just an empty, post-apocalyptic expanse.
Nothing, and some ants.
Inspired by WrathOfGod519 and "Alone" - Downface.

Also now the excuse/subject for an RCL Interview.

Chapters (1)

He's the traveler, the outlaw, the blue-eyed bad man, the restless wanderer who leaves nothing but woe in his wake. He is a man that has laid low entire cities in a single night.

And he has business in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

Everyone knows the story of Hearths Warming Eve. They know the tales of the three pony tribes and how their strife brought the Windigoes upon them, and how the Fires of Friendship saved them from their frozen fates. For countless generations the tale has been told, but how has it changed over those years?

Or is any of it true in the first place?

Only one pony knows, and Celestia would prefer that the past stay forgotten.

(Based on a 'What If' line of thought that was born from the Stardust storyline. While some familiarity with Stardust and Mente Materia doesn't hurt, this story can be enjoyed on its own)
(Coverart available soon from the amazing FoxInShadow!)
(Many thanks to Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Vandenbz, and Setokaiva for prereading!)
(Complete with it's own TVTropes page as part of the Stardust continuity)
(Character tags will be added as chapters are added!)
(Possible spoilers in the comments! BEWARE!)

Chapters (12)

Dr. Albert Wily...mad genius, evil scientist, brilliant roboticist, wanted criminal, would be world conqueror, loving father... Wait, what was that last part?

When Dr. Wily wakes up one morning with a tiny unicorn inexplicably clinging to his bald head, he is more than a little flummoxed. Unknown to him, this tiny creature is about to turn his entire life upside down, worm her way into his heart...and make his dreams a reality.

Can you feel the Wub tonight? Mega Man sure will.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
Edit: Now with awesome cover art by sanyo21! How does he do such awesome artwork so fast?
Edit 2: Adorable fan art sprite by SteamingBullet!
Edit 3: New fan art commissioned by a fan!

Chapters (130)

The Monster of the Year contest is coming up, and Scootaloo has an entry sure to give Ponyvillians the scare of their lives: a murderous spirit from Zebra folklore.

Beyond known reality, something awakes, called by the speaking of its name. It draws closer, closer, to the little town at the forest's edge. When night falls, its reign of terror shall begin.

* * *

Cover art by totallynotabrony. (Source.)
Edited by GaryOak and Reia Hope.
Creature design by Necros66.

Chapters (8)