• Member Since 13th Sep, 2014


(Nay-vee-ka) Welcome to my corner of the multiverse. Please leave your Blunderbusses by the door.

Good Stories 363 stories
  • Good Stories 363 stories Finished Stories I enjoyed and still do. Hopefully you like them as well.
    Created by Navieka
    - October, 2014
Found 340 stories in 55ms

Total Words: 8,930,052
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


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  • Finished 918 stories - 7 unread chapters Stories I've Finished, No matter how good or bad.

  • Great Stories 55 stories Finished stories I feel you should read. I really liked these

  • Good Stories 363 stories Finished Stories I enjoyed and still do. Hopefully you like them as well.

  • Ok Stories 104 stories Finished stories that I think are ok. You might like them more than me.

  • Bad Stories 0 stories (Un)Finished Stories I either don't like, or if it really deserved it. (Looking at you Super Trampoline)

  • Incomplete 92 stories - 382 unread chapters Stories I'm reading and have caught up to. (Do not exceed 10 unread Chapters)

  • Thinking Fics 89 stories Because the world is a mystery, and I strive to learn all about it.


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As Rainbow Dash takes a nap, Rarity has some tea with friends.

There’s nothing going on, there are absolutely no stakes whatsoever, and they still manage to bring doom to all of Equestria.

Written before "Crusaders of the Lost Mark", so a small little tiny bit contradicts canon now. Sorry for that!

Proofread by Neko Majin C.

Chapters (2)

You're drenched in sweat and ennui. She's fighting the enemy, and you're fighting depression. Stuck forever in a nowhere town, you try to rise above inertia, but you only end up feeling useless. You're always feeling that way.

"Feeling That Way"/"Anytime" are two popular Journey songs from their breakout album Infinity, often played back to back on the radio.

Highly recommended by Present Perfect!
Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library!
Four Stars on Louder Yay!

Background: source
Pony: source

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is not afraid of monsters.

But maybe she should.

Live reading by Solar Pony

Experimental fic, a mixture between words and pictures. Not your usual narrative.

Chapters (1)

After returning from the Dragon Migration, Spike begins to feel even lonelier with an empty space inside him (even though he proclaimed the ponies as his family)... All he wants is one thing really and the only pony who can give him that is a certain lavender unicorn

Collab done with Darth Link 22 (Author of Post Nuptials and Families... big thanks to you man!)

Editted by Vozzlefox (Author of Lately and Unwanted... huge thanks to him, he's also my teacher)

Artwork done by Conicer

Chapters (2)

When five foals asked Princess Twilight Sparkle to please try and paint the moon purple during Nightmare Night, she initially refused. It wasn't until they insisted (and Princess Luna quite basically dared her) that she relented. She only relented, however, because she really thought she wouldn't be able to do it.

Too bad she thought wrong.

A very silly story that started as a prompt that got way, way, way out of hand.

Chapters (1)

After running across the Crusaders in Manehattan, Rainbow finds out a little secret Scootaloo had been keeping from her.

Pre-reader: Kalen Nighteyes
Editors: Awesomeblaze, mobius160

Chapters (2)

Twilight receives an invitation from Cadance to the Hearts and Hooves Day Gala, but is confused when she realized that Cadance thinks she already has a special somepony in her life.

Celestia receives a similar invitation, but is more confused at Twilight’s confusion. They were already dating weren’t they?

A Twilestia story if you did not get that already.

Chapters (1)

This isn't where I belong. I left all this behind years ago, moved on with my life. But a mare from my past brought me back, and now she won't let me go. So I'm stuck here, trying to make the best of it with ponies that don't understand me, don't even like me. But when something moves in the darkness, and when things go wrong in the cold, dead night, they'll turn to me to try to set things right.

Why? Because once a police pony, always a police pony.
This is a spin-off story to 'Why am I Pinkie Pie?!', and will contain spoilers for that story, but it's not necessary to read that story to understand this one.
Cover art by the talented Conicer
Need more Cinnamon Swirl? Merlos the Mad wrote a fanfic of this story!

There is now a side-story: A Hard Day's Nightmare Night

Chapters (25)

It has been half a year since Twilight was crowned as Princess of Equestria, half a year since she and her friends had given up the Elements to save the Tree of Harmony.

Now Canterlot is under siege by an alliance of Griffins, Changelings, and Dragons who are determined to end Equestria once and for all. With the elements no longer available, the safely of Equestria lies on Pinkie Pie and Discord… and the next generation of princesses gatling guns.

Will Discord and Pinkie save the day? Will Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight have enough fire power to repel the invaders? Only time will tell.

Chapters (1)