• Member Since 13th Sep, 2014


(Nay-vee-ka) Welcome to my corner of the multiverse. Please leave your Blunderbusses by the door.

Good Stories 363 stories
  • Good Stories 363 stories Finished Stories I enjoyed and still do. Hopefully you like them as well.
    Created by Navieka
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 3 weeks


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  • Good Stories 363 stories Finished Stories I enjoyed and still do. Hopefully you like them as well.

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In a miscommunication gone awry, Starlight Glimmer has killed Twilight Sparkle with a fork.

Luckily for Twilight, Starlight's already acquired a resumé in doing the impossible.

She's totally got this.

Coverart created by Lord Destrustor!

Chapters (1)

[WARNING: Contains ear scratching, belly rubs, and blushing cheeks]

Anonymous is sent to jail for his most heinous crimes of bullying in the second degree, there he meets a mare working as a prison guard called Cookies 'n Cream.

Written originally for the Anon in Pone Prison threads on /mlp/, which is where the OC Cookies 'n Cream (Pictured) comes from.

Chapters (1)

(This Fic has a sequel, or a continuation as you like.)

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a silly children’s cartoon.

Well here I am…in the land where friendship is supposedly magic as an alicorn no less, staying with the two pegasi sisters while trying to make sense of my situation and keeping my whole alicorn appearance a secret…especially from the OTHER two alicorn’s. God knows what happens when these ponies find out what I really am...Both now and what i used to be.

Hopefully, one day…all of this will make sense and let’s just hope I don’t cause too much chaos while trying to find answers and trying to find a way back home.

(STORY GOT FEATURED IN 25/7/2016 :pinkiehappy:)

(This story was somewhat inspired by "The Third Roommate" and "Fleeting Flames" but will still have its own nature, style and obviously plot. Also big thank you to WrittenWord333 for helping me figure out the plot for this story.)

(Cover art by me.)

Chapters (27)

Thundercats terrorize the land. Ponies die. Twilight Sparkle walks outside and the world is on fire.

Chapters (1)

Meet Jeremy; a high school senior about to graduate. A young man with the world as his oyster. A young man with nearly infinite possibilities in his hands. A young man with a future full of success ahead of him, just waiting for him to take hold of it.

Enter Twilight Sparkle; Loyal student, and arguably an overzealous scientist, of Princess Celestia. Once a young protege now a successful scientist and a princess herself. An all around good friend to every pony she meets. A mare with all a pony like her could want like a foal in a candy store, all she would have to do was ask.

To her friends, she was the best friend anypony could ask for.

But behind closed doors, she had an insatiable urge. An urge to discover and study anything from a scientific standpoint. It was an innocent passion, after all, she had nearly a whole world outside of Equestria to discover and document. And more importantly, but not well known to learn the anatomy of every new creature she came by. -but whether or not her actions behind closed doors regarding anatomy study were moral or not did not matter to her, it was all in the name of science!

But that excitement soon turned to boredom when she found out all there was to know about the different cultures and beings the lived beyond Equestria’s borders; Zebras, dragons, gryphons the slightly taller ponies in Saddle Arabia, she even rediscovered the ancient sea pony race. Elusive creatures thought to be long extinct. It all became mundane for Twilight.

Then one day, she decided, if there’s nothing else for her to know on this planet, what about others? Ever since she came back from the ‘mirror world’. But thanks to some weird thing those ‘humans’ call ‘the internet’. It meant she wasn’t, and wouldn’t, be the first to make scientific discoveries.

But, if the mirror yields no promise, what about magic? Twilight knew there was a spell that essentially summons a random being from a different world. It was more a familiar spell, but a few little tweaks and she’s got a summoning spell.

Now with the wonderful possibilities of learning about beings completely unknown to Equestrian kind. How far will Twilight go in the name of science?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Dying to Get There



To any normal citizen of Equestria, the secondary headline of the Canterlot Times is just filler to make the front page look denser and more important. To Special Agent Sweetie Drops, however, it's the beginning of a new task... and the nightmares to follow...

The Moose Is Loose.

Special thanks to Zaponator and Titanium Dragon.

Chapters (13)

After decades of brutal warfare, humanity has finally breached the defenses of Equestria, and now strikes at Canterlot itself. High above the walls of the city, Celestia watches the world she built burn around her. Her gambit has failed. Humanity has endured her assault. Now all she can do is wait and watch as the war she started comes to an end.

Chapters (1)

Jak never found it unusual that he had a unicorn brother. Shining Armor had been there his entire life, as far as he could remember. Sure, Daxter often made a point of just how strange it was relative to everyone else in the village, but then again Jak himself was different from the rest of the villagers.

He never questioned that he looked somewhat different from everyone else. Never questioned that he was raised by Samos the Sage, alongside Samos' daughter Keira, whom he kinda-sorta liked and who kinda-sorta liked him, even if Samos himself didn't like that. Jak, by nature, wasn't the sort to question things.

Shining Armor, on the other hand - or hoof - had lots of questions, but no answers.


Part of the PWNY-verse.

Crossover idea suggested by Keyblade Hero.
Cover art by Sanyo21

Chapters (135)

Once upon a time, there was a lonely shark. She swam in the sea and never had any friends, mostly because fish are stupid and have no concept of friendship.

Once upon a time, there was a totally awesome unicorn DJ. She wandered all over the land of Equestria, playing all kinds of gigs and hoping for some kind of meaning to come out of them.

Once upon a time, they ran into each other, and things were never the same again.

Cover art by Lord Destrustor.

I regret nothing. Merry Christmas.

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy finds a human in her backyard trying to eat one of her chickens, she and a majority of the residents of Ponyville only want this dangerous creature as far away from their town as possible.

After a less than stellar first impression, Derpy Hooves and the human struggle to quell the rumors surrounding his diet, and convince the townsfolk that he's harmless.

Will the human be able to make himself meek enough to coexist? Or will he be driven out of town with torches and pitchforks?

Each chapter is told from the perspective of a different pony.

Chapters (19)