• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

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Unable to sleep after the events of her brother's wedding, Twilight Sparkle is walking in the woods and finds an injured changeling.

Cover art by Astringe on Deviantart. Check his gallery here.

Chapters (1)

(2nd Person Story)
You x Scootaloo

You have been living in Ponyville for a few weeks now. You never really had someone called you a 'friend' in your life, and since your mum and dad were always working you were usually alone. You were mostly lonely all the time but you were used to it. But you thought something was missing. Something that you have never felt before.

That all ends when you meet a Pegasus is willing to be your friend, Maybe even more then a friend..

This is my very first fanfic ever, i hope you enjoy, constructive criticism is helpful :) Follow me for updates on this story, Please tell me if this story was good or bad!

Chapters (11)

Don't you remember back when you used to play, as children? When you were carefree? When you loved her? Can't you still feel her with you? Don't you miss her anymore?
She misses you...

Chapters (17)

There has always been a little voice in Twilight Sparkle's head, whispering dark musings to her. And until her brother's wedding, she has managed to push those bitter thoughts away and focus on the good. She forgives and forgets and holds onto hope.

But when her friends turn their backs on her and her brother cuts her from his life, Twilight finds herself alone, with only the little voice to comfort her.

And it is through anger and hate that has been repressed for so long that Twilight finds the power to rise up. Harmony and Friendship have only brought her pain and suffering. It is time for her to embrace her dark side. No longer will she worry about what others think. Twilight is going to live her life how SHE chooses: without friends, without family, without love and without harmony. She is going to cut loose, have fun, and screw what others think.

For her friends and family, it will soon become apparent that if they don't find a way to mend the damage they've done to the lavender mare...Twilight Sparkle might be lost to them forever.

Thank you to everyone that got this story as one of the Featured Stories here on the site!

The TvTropes Page can be found here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/FaithAndDoubt

Cover created by the amazing FerGarcia220

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Heartbroken

It's a week later, and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak into learning more about herself and what her special talents really are! Heartbreak shows herself to be the artistic type but with learning to be a pony and contending with ponies curious about the new mare in Ponyville, it's a rocky start that is leaving Heartbreak feeling more than drained of her ability to express herself. Let alone learn how to use a pencil with her mouth. Perhaps Zecora can help with a special brew she calls "Creativi-Tea"? Or will this just going to lead to a lot of Insani-tea?

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Creativi-Tea

For the whole of April, Heartbreak has been confined to the library under Twilight’s orders. By the time May starts, being cooped up is starting to give her a serious case of cabin fever. Heartbreak wants some open space, some fresh air and a bit of grass under her hooves. Twilight wants Heartbreak to learn a bit more discipline and honesty about things. The two would butt heads, but Twilight finds a compromise.
Send her off to help Applejack with the first season’s apple harvest!
But how will a pony like Applejack, whose motto is, “Honesty is the Best Policy,” deal with a pony like Heartbreak, who has wrapped herself up in webs upon webs of lies just to cope with her situation?

Chapters (45)

So, I'm in "Equestria," and normally, I would be okay with this. But, I have no idea how to get home, and worse, I seem to be shifted over to random "Equestrias" at seemingly random intervals. And these alternate worlds I'm doomed to wander? They're the worlds of fanfictions.
So, in short, this is the story of me and my wits against the imaginations of the community of my fellow bronies.
I'm screwed.
So I heard you like pony fanfictions...
Rated Teen for some violence, language, and some possible adult themes later on.
If you have a fic, or want to suggest a fic to send my poor, suffering OC to, I'm open to suggestions. I do have a general story line I want to follow, so don't be too upset if I don't include your suggestions.
On a related note, there are some fics that I flat out will not do, which can be summed up as "Clop or Cupcakes," meaning that I won't do a fic that has clop in it, or gratuitous gore for the sake of gratuitous gore. I may reference some grimdark fics, but that's it.
I will always try to ask permission before using your fic. If you see I've used your fic without having asked you first, that means I wasn't able to figure out a good way to contact you, and I apologise.
Also, I would appreciate it greatly if you would agree to look over my stuff before I publish it, to ensure I don't mangle your story too badly.

Chapters (4)

Where am I? Who are all these creatures calling themselves ponies? Why are they calling me Spike? Most importantly, how do I get home?

Chapters (4)

When it came to matters of the heart, Anthony just couldn't win. In his path, a rainbow coloured trail of broken hearts were left. With the final relationship he had, his strange exes decided they had enough. Now crashing through the universe and robbed of everything that makes him who he is: Anthony has been abandoned, branded and renamed by his exes. Find out how a pony named HeartBreak has to learn -her- place in this new world.

Chapters (19)

An alternate version of the TDverse, first seen in No, I Am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! where after TD leaves the Gala, he comes across a certain petrified statue. Curious, he walks up to it and sets in motion a chain of events that may change the face of Equestria forever. Even worse for the wayward human, his meeting with the being known only as Discord may ensure that he never gets home...

Cover art by http://shadowkira555.deviantart.com/art/The-master-puppeteer-Discord-267294673

Chapters (9)