• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

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One day the world took a turn for the insane. Earth and Equestria connected and now humans and ponies live together in harmony. Bronies are now a widespread culture and everyone is happy because of it. Everyone except me the only sane person alive. I know that this isn't right and I know that maybe one day humanity will wake up. They will see how stupid they've made the world and what they let into their hearts. One day I'll finally feel like I'm not an outsider. One day ponies and all pony sympathizers will perish in a violent spectacular marvel.

Chapters (33)

It was a night that will forever be burned into the memories of everypony. One fateful night in Equestria everything changed. The princesses who had ruled over the world with kindness and heart were gone, and a new ruler had taken their place.
Years have passed since that event. Ponies have grown up, aged, and moved on with their lives. Equestria has become a very different place over the span of these years.
Our story begins when a face resurfaces in Equestria. When a weathered, scarred, but familiar face steps into the light.

This is the fanfic based on Astringe's Bad Future series on DeviantART. He did some great designs of the characters, so make sure you give that gallery a peruse before you read the fic.

Also worth mentioning, he's been nice enough to plop any pics he does based on chapters I've written into this separate gallery, so there will be less spoilers for readers just jumping in to the story.

NOTE: The canon of my story picks up at the start of Season 3, where it begins to diverge away from the canon of the show. I've never read the IDW comics nor have I seen Equestria Girls, so the events of my story aren't canon at all with them.

Now has it's own TVTropes page!

Chapters (43)

It was all going relatively well. For the past few weeks nothing had gone horribly wrong for once. The only major thing that happened was Twilight leaving to go to the Crystal Empire for some princess-y thing, so he was to have a week off from her incessant asking about the human race.

When she got back, spewing bullshit about knowing everything about humans however, he just... snapped.

Chapters (2)

Spike tells of his feelings towards the Mane Six's treatment of him when they were growing up.

Chapters (2)

It has been a thousand years since Celestia last saw her beloved sister after her banishment. Ever since then, she has counted the days to her sister's return. When the night finally befell upon Equestria, and Nightmare Moon liberated, it was suppose to be a joyous reunion. But fate has something else in mind...

Collab done with TailsFox88 (Chapters 1-17)
Chapter 18 (Solo)
Collab done with Foals Errand (Chapters 19 onwards)
Artwork done by pridark

Chapters (19)

Sweetie Belle knows it, Rarity knows it, everyone knows it except for Spike. He's being used. Rarity is constantly seducing him into doing hard work, and Sweetie Belle is tired of it. She decides that the only way to save him is to admit the feelings she has for him. But is Rarity really treating him the way Sweetie thinks she is?

Cover art done by LadyFoxling. The other art she does is great! Go check it out on deviantART.

Proofreading done by Barnabi and I HV NO FEAR. Editing for chapters 3 and on done by Serene. They're awesome too, so go check them out!

Chapters (3)

(INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT NOTE! This is an official continuation of Fighting is Magic: Story Mode (Mane Six Edition) by SuperPinkBrony12. He did give me permission to write this and I highly suggest reading his story first before reading this one.)

(Like the original, these are unofficial stories.)

Noticing that her subjects have grown bored and hunger for entertainment Princess Celestia decides to create a fighting tournament to attract the best fighters from Equestria and beyond.

Before long announcements for the Equestria Battle Tournament begin to show up in every city and town, including Ponyville.

Derpy Hooves, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon, and even The Doctor all decide to enter the tournament, but each one has a different reason for doing so.

In addition to potentially fighting each other, they'll have to fend off against several other ponies, including old rivals, who are all also hoping to win, not to mention that the final battle is against Princess Celestia herself.

In this tournament, it's no holds barred and winner takes all. Who will come out on top?

Thanks to SuperPinkBrony12 for handing me the reigns for this story. Fair warning, you might be disappointed, but we'll all see what the end result is when the time comes.

Chapters (18)

Spike, as we all know, loves Rarity; but heartbreak ensues after her latest return from a small town on the outskirts of Equestria. With both a shattered dream and heart in hand, Spike finds himself at the local bar; questioning everything he did. (Inspired by the Dave Matthews Band song Grace is Gone. Will be a first person perspective. Spike is of legal drinking age (18))

Chapters (1)

Waring. This fic contains massive spoilers too EqG and is extremely dark. Rated Teen for gore, death, and overall darkness.

What if Sunset Shimmer didn't try and kill Twilight? What if, just before her plan was about too fail, the remaining five elements fell into her possessions? How much more powerful would she become? Would that power be multiplied once she crossed over?

Join Sunset in this grim-dark alternate ending too Equestria Girls. This story will have two chapters and will be my first grim dark story.

Chapters (2)

Equestria, the crowning achivement of harmony and balance. The symbol of all that is good, not just to the world, but the entire universe. That will change. A new threat has arisen, and he will bring this world to its knees. That threat, is You! You are destined to become the greatest villain in the history of Equestria! The path to power however, is up to you.

2nd-Person (Partially) Interactive Story.

Featured on May 11th 2014. Thanks!

This is my first FIM fic, comments are highly encouraged as this is interactive.

Chapters (9)