• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011

Dark Colt Sabata

Common ideas executed weirdly, if inspiration and motivation strikes.

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Spike felt like he was ready. He had planned for weeks and it was finally gonna pay off. He had saved enough bits, and confidence, to confess to Rarity. Everything goes well until he reaches the door. Fueled only by rage and sadness, he ends up hurting one his closest friends. What will become of their friendship and will the wounds be healed? In hindsight, it seems like it was just an accident waiting to happen

Chapters (5)

Love. It is the most powerful force in existence. It has survived eons, and lived throughout the most horrid of times. Love drives individuals to great lengths, so what happens when the one you love does not love you back? What do you do when you cannot let go of the one you love?

Spike's unrequited love for Rarity is on the verge of shattering his heart.

This is my very first fanfic, ever. Please, if you favorite this, please leave a comment saying what you liked about it. If you do not like this, please, leave a comment saying what you did not like about it. Feedback is essential for me to improve my writing.

Chapters (7)

Applebloom finally builds up the courage to ask our her long life crush. But things don't turn out as well. Hurt and broken, She falls into depression. You decide to cheer her up. but what happens when the filly starts to develop feelings for you?

AN: This does not have any connection to my other stories whatsoever.

Chapters (8)

We trained her.
We taught her.
We raised her to godhood.
She brought us down to earth.

Sequel can be found here: Memoirs in Ink and Blood

Chapters (10)

What happens when Spike gets betrayed by Rarity by turning him down for another stallion? With a mending heart and lost memories he sets out to seek revenge on the mare that broke his heart and to torment to any pony that gets in his and Nightmare's way! Beware of Spike the Dragon!

Chapters (7)

The world sucks, is it any surprise? No one can really argue that.

Such is the outlook of the man who shows up in Equestria, prepared to kill himself when he feels he's done with the world. But he's stopped, and he angrily decides to follow Twilight, to have her teach him a lesson he never really considered before. Perhaps there's more to the world than the world itself.

Chapters (5)

Spike had lost everyone. Twilight had finally passed away. Now in Canterlot, Spike couldn't take this pain. How could he live without his dear friends, without Twilight? He only wanted to see them, one last time.
Note: This story is set without season 3 canon. It is based on the idea of Twilight never becoming an alicorn and of all alicorns and dragons being immortal.

Chapters (2)

Anonymous buys an AI Firefox browser. How will he interact with it?

Chapters (2)

In the aftermath of an "experiment" gone too far, Twilight Sparkle must make an impossible decision: to continue dreaming a lie or to awaken and drown in a nightmare. As a certain group of friends struggle to come to terms with the betrayal from one of their own, they will have to remember the value of friendship, and embark on a struggle to rekindle their inner joy.

Chapters (0)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Meanwhile, Back at the Farm

It has been settled. This month, Twilight and CO agree that for Heartbreak to live in Equestria, she needs an actual place to live in. A real home. With money tight, and Heartbreak not having much of anything of her own, how are they going to get her this dream home?
The answer will drag both Heartbreak and Rarity kicking and nearly screaming through a series of seemingly unfortunate events involving travel, discovery, and later on: The Cutie Mark Crusaders!
But there are dark secrets still being harbored within both Heartbreak and her new home. Will Rarity, a pony who prides herself on her looks, charms and grace be able to teach a pony who doesn't care about any of those things anything about generosity? Hopefully. And hopefully before one of them strangles the other.

Chapters (45)