• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

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This story is a sequel to Negotiations

It's been five years since our surrender. Things have gotten better, but we have a long way to go before our home is repaired and our name redeemed. I have spent these five years working nonstop to fix all the mistakes my former teacher left us.

But now I have a chance to make up one of the biggest ones I've ever made.


She betrayed us and sided with humanity. I hated her for her betrayal. Called her a coward. Now I am cowering in front of her house, begging for forgiveness. I have lost so much. I just want to gain one thing back.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam ]

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Celestia pours her heart out to Rainbow Blitz, revealing the sources of her bitterness and resentment.

Chapters (1)

Humanity is dead.
It's members have been converted and brainwashed. Its homeworld has been absorbed, and its culture has been eradicated.
Princess Celestia couldnt' be happier.

Unfortunately for Celestia, there are beings out there who don't look too kindly on xenocide. Beings much more powerful than her...

Inspired by Rush's "The Conversion Bureau: Celestia's Silly Plan"

Author's note: For the record, I don't hate all TCB fics. My problem is with the ones that depict humans as irredeemable bastards whose only hope for salvation is to convert themselves into talking horses. They piss me off. They really piss me off.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville's new 'code enforcement professional' has got it into her thick, monotonous head that Fluttershy has too great a density of pet animals, and she's set out to rectify that situation.

Twilight, though, has a problem with this, and she'll have to use her full authority as an alicorn princess to put a stop to it.

Audio reading by Crafty Arts | Dramatic reading by DRWolf

Other stories based on this story:
Six to Eight Weeks Unnecessary
Five to Seven Weeks Detention

Chapters (1)

Season 5 Finale-related.
So many realities. So many horrible futures. But in yet another alternate timeline, Twilight finds herself in the Golden Oak Library with the Princess of Friendship: Sunset Shimmer. Rather than the awful futures she's seen before, she now finds herself in a timeline that actually seems nice. But that means she has a tough decision to make...

-Awesome cover art used with permission from the amazingly talented Huussii (Teemu Husso).
-Based on an idea from Silver Quill.
-Featured as of 12/8/15! Thank you to all the readers!
-Editors: GenerousGhibli and E3gner

Chapters (1)

As I sit on this branch, looking at the town through the mangled, black branches, I began thinking about why I came here. About everything I left behind on Earth.

I wish I'd never have come here...

Consider joining the Ending-verse if you liked it!

This story has been redone. Also, A brilliant lad called Vlad decided to write a sequel. I seriously recommend reading that and following him.

Also, there's a prequel in the works!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash! She's captain for every sports club in Canterlot High! She has great athletic abilities! She lives and breathes sports! Everyone calls her the King of Sports in Canterlot High School!

Strange right? Calling her 'King' instead of 'Queen'. People always see Rainbow Dash as more of the tomboyish type. The guys in her club talks to her and treats her like a guy. Even her best friends, see her as one of those girls that does not enjoy feminine things.

It wasn't true though. Even Rainbow Dash wants to be a girl. She wants to eat sweet things, she wants to be pretty, she wants to put on make up, to gossip about boys, to fall in love, to date guys. But who would believe her? When no one, even her best friends, has ever seen her feminine side?

How will things turn out for her on Valentine's Day?

This is set in the Equestria Girl's universe. So yeah, humans instead of ponies. Enjoy

Cover art by Gioku from deviantart!

Chapters (1)

Rarity can see it clearly.

The way Applejack laughs around Coloratura, the way she smiles. The way Coloratura hangs on Applejack's every word, the way her eyes light up whenever they glance at each other.

Friends since fillyhood, Applejack and Coloratura share a relationship deeper and more special than most ponies will ever know.

But Rarity and Applejack were fillyhood friends too. Shouldn't that be just as special?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Mad Glimmer

The plan had been perfect, taking everything from Twilight Sparkle and trapping her in a no-win situation. Then Twilight showed Starlight the alleged consequences of her actions.

But there's a bit more to the story. Starlight Glimmer has paid a heavy price, but there's one more debt to call in.

After all, Discord doesn't make idle threats.

Story contains spoilers for the Season 5 finale, potentially disturbing imagery, and nuts. Story still does not contain Nikita Khrushchev or shoes.

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie must make a quick stop in the middle of nowhere at Maud's request. Things get a bit out of hoof when Maud returns hurt.

Chapters (1)