• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

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While waiting for his date, Discord ponders over his situation and how he managed to get the date in the first place.

Written for The Princess Rarity in response to this thread.

A silly one-shot.

Chapters (1)

Pinkamena Diane Pie, long-time server of Equestria's military, has spent years awaiting the day that Sombra would be defeated. Time after time she watched him, avoiding their attacks and never gaining a scratch.

In the midst of battle, she decides to leave one for him to remember her by.

Proofread and edited by: Note Sketch
Art by: konik006(derpibooru)(deviantart)

Again, special thanks for Note Sketch and Azure_Shadow for pre-reading this fic and helping me get it done~

Chapters (1)

==Written for Pony Writing Month 2012==

Being the ruler of Equestria, Celestia knows quite a few things. Having lived for an expanse of time most mortals can't ever grasp, she has untold wisdom. That said, when it comes to knowing how to deal with a daughter you've never told anypony about and trying to get her to listen to you before a possible life altering change happens caused by having Alicorn blood... well, Celestia's fairly lost.

Not just that, but Celestia also finds that she's as out of touch with ponies as Luna is, much to her shame. She needs to figure out what it means to be a pony, for her kingdom, for her daughter, and for herself.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A Shadow Hangs Overhead

Nightmare Moon won.

The efforts of Twilight and her friends to stop Nightmare Moon in the Everfree Forest failed. Nightmare Moon took Rarity from the forest, leaving the other five to their fate. Now she rules Equestria with Rarity at her side, forcing her to take care of any threats to her rule.

And Rarity endures, for if she does not, it will not be her that suffers the consequences.

AU to A Shadow Hangs Overhead.

Want a print copy of this and Shadow? You can get one here!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Dear Someone, I Discord you so!

Discord's plan worked like a charm — he has already gotten seven scrolls in response to his mass mail flood. Surely among them is the author who send him the original love letter... along with a few complaints regarding the latest chaos he's caused.

Finding out which is which is going to be so much fun!

The definite conclusion to the letters saga!

Special thanks to Malefactory

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Dear Discord, I hate you so much!

It is highly recommended reading the initial story before starting.

Intrigued by the anonymous love letter he has received, Discord decides to write back. And just to have fun, he sends a copy to every inhabitant of Ponyville.

Special thanks to Malefactory and Kitty Creeper for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (1)

Discord never expected to get a letter, especially one of such peculiar nature. Yet, despite the unorthodox way in which it arrived and its unusual contents, there is one thing on his mind: Wait, what?!

Audio reading by CaptainBron3y
(Many thanks, Captain!)

Special thanks to Malefactory for editing.

Chapters (1)

It's been a long week, and Twilight's feeling annoyed. Discord just won't stop bothering her: following her around, making snarky comments - just being Discord. Fluttershy thinks he might have ulterior motives, but Twilight's sure the lord of chaos is interested in nothing more than irritating his (least) favorite princess. He couldn't possibly like her... right?

Discolight fic written for the first ever twicord contest :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy loves her son, but it's been rough raising him. There are those who have always seen him as a threat. Who mock and make fun of him. They see him as nothing but an abomination.

It hurts her to know that there are ponies out there who do this to her son. It hurts even worse when one of those ponies was one of her friends.

***Warning: Spoilers in comments***

Adjustments made in the story due to some criticism that I've received. Hopefully it will help it a bit more :)

Pre-Read by: TwilightUCrazy and Bakmah Genesis

Edited by: "mysterious beautiful stranger" and InsanityCorps

Chapters (1)

Spike waits for his mail to come and has a chat with the mail pony.

Art by Epulson

Prereading and Editing by Jack of a Few Trades and NorrisThePony

Check out the live reading!

Chapters (1)