• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014


Flygon knows where you sleep, where you eat and where you live. Respect his pairings and he won't have to stalk you at night.

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This story is a sequel to Direction

A year ago, Scootaloo's parents were arrested, and Scootaloo was placed in Rainbow Dash's care. Now, she visits them for the first time, to say what's on her mind, even if it's hard.

A Nuptialverse story. Takes place during Direction.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire just wanted a normal day to the Cloudsdale market to buy some apples. Here's the catch: there's a little blue pegasus that keeps following her around...
And why does she keep yelling, "Mommy!"?


When pictures give you ideas, it's up to your imagination whether you wanna turn it into a story.

FEATURED on 1/28/16!

Dramatic reading by SkyOfStorms! Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

Don't get Pinkie Pie wrong; she hates Discord, and didn't mean to set him free...

...Well, it's not that she hates Discord.

She likes him.

...I mean, she likes the chocolate rain he made, but she hates the chaos.

...Um...actually, she doesn't hate the chaos; it's kinda fun really...

...Technically speaking though, she dislikes the chaos, but it's cool to-



Oh geez, what has she gotten herself into...

A DiscordXPinkie Pie ( DisPie / Pinkord ) fanfiction.

{This story voids the episode of 'Keep Calm and Flutter On'}

Chapters (6)

"I hate him, so why in the name of apple seeds itself am I blushing?"

A sort-of-spin-off sequel to An Apple A Day from Craine. Its not related to the story but at the same time it is. I just sorta wanted to try writing again... Which I shouldn't be doing as I will never be the author he is. But without further ado, enjoy.

Edit: Fixed up some error's that were seen and fixed up the names. Sorry about that.
Edit Two: I-I can't believe it but, it happened. I got on the featured tab. I'm... Going to cry.
Featured Tab proof - 5/27/14
Edit Three: A Small Animation Tribute to Ch. 3

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Princess of Friendship, can now add the titles Princess of Learning and Headmistress of the Equestrian Academy of Magic to her name. Her life-long dream of spreading knowledge to everyone is now her actual job description and after going through the grueling setup process she's now ready to be the best educator ever. But then Discord comes along wanting to become one of her professors and everything she had expected to do gets thrown out the window.

This is a story based on the next gen series of drawings done by Lopoddity on Deviantart (Link down below). As you can no doubt guess from the cover art this will be a TwiCord story with many other ships passing through based on Lopy's ideas from her gallery, the focus being on the journey each relationship goes through to get to their end point. And also Discord antics, because those are the best antics.
Lopoddity pony gallery.
Have fun and enjoy the story!

Chapters (7)

S'mores. Undeniably delicious. Marshmallow and chocolate coming together in perfect harmony.
Unless the chocolate is chaos, sealed away by said marshmallow...
Discord has been granted release, but only on the condition he train a certain fashionista causing trouble across Equestria.
Will he succeed, or will she instead have something to teach him?

Chapters (2)

A day in the life of our favorite speedster and god of chaos. A short story of how Rainbow and Discord enjoy their day.

Chapters (1)

Rarity finds herself in having a rather depressing period. The depressed mare has given up on trying to search for the right one, the one Rarity would love to spend time with more than just a friend. This happened right after Discord's visit and when the mane six discovered the tree of harmony. Discord on the other hand is trying to make friends with the ponies around him. Rarity knew that Fluttershy had reformed him, so she did invite him for some tea parties once in a while. Can Rarity continue her search for a stallion to live with with the help of Discord?

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been together for many years now. First as rivals, then best friends, and now marefriends. Neither can deny that the years they have been together have been the best in their lives. Now Applejack wants to make it permanent. After months of planning it out, Applejack finally has asked Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage.

She never expected Dash to say "I can't".

Made for the Monthly Shipfics Group
Special Thanks to EZTP (Aka 2135D on Fimfiction). Please support him and commission from him!
Thanks to DBZorDie for editing.

Chapters (1)

They run together down the long road of life and love, just in different directions. She's more of an adventurer, but she knows that no matter where she goes, he will follow in his odd sort of way. Even if the both of them are always on the go, it doesn't stop them from freezing time to spend moments together. That blue box is their home that never stands still - and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Chapters (1)