• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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Everypony needs a break from their busy life, even royalty. Twilight Sparkle the princess of Friendship is dating some special somepony. A cyan rainbow mane Pegasus named Rainbow Dash who is a sergeant of the WonderBolts. Even with there busy life, they still managed to date each other and finally have some free time. So follow TwiDash as they have a free day all to themselves, with a few cameos along the way. Also Rainbow has the perfect way to end the day with a surprise for Twi.
Credit to TheFlamingGay for editing story.

Chapters (1)

We all have dreams, goals, and ideas. We all want for something, want to ascribe to be something. But… what happens once you’ve achieved that goal? What do you do if you’ll never achieve that goal? If circumstances in life prevent you from ever being able to do the thing you love?

Two ponies, two friends, each have to deal with a different version of that question. But maybe they can find the answer together, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll find something else as well.

A cowrite with Moonlit Sparkle. Edited by DeputyDuck and RofLmao.

Chapters (1)

19 ficlets of love, all themed around the little messages in a random can of Dove Valentine chocolates. What sorts of ships will you find inside?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to More Than Dreams

Months have passed since Twilight Sparkle brought Rainbow Dash to visit her parents in Canterlot, and now it's time for her to return the favor. This time, however, neither of them is carrying a secret to reveal.

Rather than relaxation, she soon learns more about Rainbow's life than she ever bothered to ask about. Twilight tries to understand the past, what foundation for a happy life might exist beyond what she knows, and what new challenges their life together might face.

Edited by Noble Thought.

Cover art by zvn.

Chapters (4)

For years, Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis have been at each other's throats. Both have experienced victory over the other, and both have experienced defeat. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, none despise each other the way the pony Princess and changeling Queen do. They seemed destined to remain locked in battle forever, or at least until one is finally dead at the hooves of the other. The cruel insults, the vicious loathing, and the powerful spells that have passed back and forth between them at each meeting have become the stuff of legend.

Imagine Twilight's surprise when she finds out changelings consider this dating.

And now they're married.


Sequel: Pony Courtship Rituals


Some beautiful fanart of the end of chapter three was done by Dmann892; you can see it here.

More awesome fanart, this time from chapter one.

Now with a TvTropes page (obligatory TvTropes warning goes here).

If you want a Russian translation, you can find it here.

There is now a reading of the story on Youtube, which starts here.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow discovers that she has a pest problem in her house. The pest turns out to be both cuter and more annoying than she expected.

A winner of the 2015 Bat Pony writing contest.

Russian translation by KoylanGOLD
Also read: The Most Annoying House Guest

Chapters (1)

Sweetie is having the worst cramps of her filly life.

Thanks to a misunderstanding and a little ignorance, she now thinks she's pregnant.

How will she tell the others, what will she learn, and who could the father be?!

Rated teen for 'misunderstandings'.

Alt. Endings, you choose!

Chapters (6)

This weekend is Vinyl and Octavia's one year anniversary. They both want to make this the most memorable weekend together, so they spend the weekend just to themselves and they have no worries. All they know is that they have to just be there for each other. Come and read the romantic story of OctaScratch on the beach and the rest of their weekend.

Thanks to Dashie-Potter for the editing.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Night of the Werewolf

After fully harnessing their powers as werewolves, Vinyl and Octavia open a stand by the town hall, biting paying ponies who wish to be werewolves. What can go wrong?

(here's da sequel dat ya'll wanted)

Chapters (1)

Dear Princess Celestia,

Shining Armor here.
And today I learned that you shouldn't throw your wife off of a balcony.
It really pisses them off.

Chapters (1)