• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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SEQEUL: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/295946/dont-worry-we-wont-bite-sequel-to-night-of-the-werewolf

"Stay away from me!" She screamed as her body changed under the light of the moon, her pupils small as pebbles, blood dripping from her hooves, and mouth as they became more wolf like. "I don't want...to...to hurt...you..."

Her body went limp as she fainted, her fur and mane frazzled, paws replaced her hooves, sharp fangs going just past her lips. Vinyl stared in shock as the wolf-like creature lifted itself from the floor with a low growl. It turned to Vinyl, canines bared. It rose its head and let out a loud, mournful howl, and attacked. Vinyl by now had been scared past her wits, and having read a fair amount of folklore herself, expected to be mauled. But instead,

It licked her...

Chapters (6)

Princess Twilight Sparkle lay there in anguished silence for almost a minute until she decided to let Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and me help her. It came out as a whisper: "My special talent isn't magic." Of all the ponies we might help, I had never imagined our first might be Twilight, or that it would essential for Equestria that we got it right.

Featured (as high as #2) from Oct 18th through Oct 22nd 2015 for 100 hours.
Thank you everypony!

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been to the human world and met her counterpart there. Something about the encounter is bothering her, though. More specifically, something about the other Twilight.

With the help of her friends, Twilight does a bit of soul-searching and arrives at a conclusion that she may not like.

(Possible Friendship Games spoilers)

Chapters (1)

Twilight is bored out of her mind. Her books are read and organized, and all of her friends are busy or out of town. At least, all of her new friends. But when she suddenly remembers that she has other friends, a horrible thought jumps into her head.
She apologized to Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moondancer. But she never took the time to apologize to Lyra!

Teen because some wine is drunk and things are discussed.
Written for EQD Writer's Training Ground "Made In Manehattan".

Chapters (1)

Deciding to take a vacation from her busy life in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle decides to visit the human world to see her friend, Sunset Shimmer. The two then decided two have a meal at Sunset's favorite diner, and It'll be a meal Twilight will never forget.

Made for MLPFan234's contest. Follow her for some great stories.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch has it good.
As one of Canterlot's only dubstep artists, she's a breath of fresh air in a backbiting industry of classical music.
Her best friend Octavia, however, doesn't have it so good.

Rated T for mention of some not-so-SFW stuff.

Chapters (1)

Octavia is in jail and waiting to be bailed out. The good news is she has a friend who is willing to come bail her out. The bad news is that the prim and proper Octavia is not going to get out without a little teasing.

Chapters (1)

Tired of being pestered by Octavia about passing her college finals, Vinyl decides to tell everyone what she thinks in the best way possible.

Chapters (1)

Remember when Sunset yelled at Twilight for putting everyone's "lives in danger?" Well, Rarity does, and she's a bit confused—after all, how could their lives be in danger when it's quite literally impossible for humans to die?

"Recommended for terrible people" - Present Perfect
"I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified." - DerpyDerp97
"Don't know why this is getting upvoted. It's not one goddamn bit funny." - MythrilMoth

Now with a reading by Teksune Studios!

Written from 3 AM to 5:30 AM, the morning after Friendship Games premiered.
Preread by Majin Syeekoh, Magello, and M1Garand.

Chapters (1)

When spring sets in, a lot of animals tend to display some rather ... unconventional behavior patterns.

Griffins are no exceptions.

Credit for the cover goes to Muffinshire.

Also check out this amazing reading by the amazing DanMcIntosh!

I can't believe this thing has been featured for two whole days. My sincerest thanks to everyone who enjoyed the story and made this possible!

Chapters (1)