• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash decided to go on a trip to Mexicolt to visit the location of one of Daring Doo's books. But they didn't know they arrived in the eve of the Day of the Dead.
What kind of things will they see?

(This story features words, phrases, and references to Mexican culture. The notes to their meaning can be found at the bottom of each chapter.)


Cover art: Marking

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle knows Rainbow Dash; the pegasus is her wife, after all. But ever since Twilight crashed in the Everfree forest on her way to Zecora's hut, something has been wrong with Rainbow. The mare is off, in a way Twilight can't quite explain. She's off in such a way that Twilight knows it's not the real Rainbow Dash. It's an imposter.

All she has to do is prove it, and get her real wife back.

Chapters (3)

Vinyl has been keeping a rather large secret from her fans. It's something she's had to deal with since birth. She keeps it a secret because she doesn't want to be viewed differently. She just wants to feel normal, even if its just for those few hours shes on stage. If they knew... she might have to give that up.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Verbs Article Nouns

Having defeated the scourge of news stories about her banal personal life, Twilight must now face a far greater and more embarrassing threat:

News stories speculating about her nonexistent love life.

She's beginning to get a little annoyed.

Not a one shot anymore, because reasons.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Vinyl and Octavia Duel Destiny

After a failed attempt by Octavia at defending Vinyl from a false murder charge, the two ponies have been sent to jail thanks to the Marefia. This doesn't sit well with either of them, so there's only one thing left to do - break out of the most heavily guarded prison in all of Equestria.

The Vinyl and Octavia Series
1. Vinyl and Octavia Machete Their Way Through the Jungle
2. Vinyl and Octavia Move House
3. Vinyl and Octavia Get Incredibly Drunk
4. Vinyl and Octavia are Forcibly Shipped
5. Vinyl and Octavia Fight Ten Thousand Ninjas
6. Vinyl and Octavia Have Multiple Dates
7. Vinyl and Octavia Engage in Roleplay
8. Vinyl and Octavia in 'Dial D for Detectives'
9. Vinyl and Octavia Duel Destiny
10. Vinyl and Octavia Bust Out of Prison
11. Vinyl and Octavia Join COBRA
12. Vinyl and Octavia Break the Timestream
13. Vinyl and Octavia Rob a Casino
14. Vinyl and Octavia's Freaky Day
15. Vinyl and Octavia Jump the Shark

Chapters (3)

Vinyl Scratch is well known as DJ PON-3 across Equestria. Other than their music career, however, not much is known of the pony’s personal life as they struggle with their relationship, identity, past, music and coping with the effects of their actions on others.

Written by: Lady Froey
Edited by: Madeline L-Equine, Bad_Seed_72 and Proper Noun
Cover art by: Stella Lux (LumenGlace)

Takes place after: Major and Minor

Chapters (12)

Various short stories by various authors between 100 and 1500 words obtaining to the love of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.
Rated teen for potential stuff and such.
All authors linked at the top of each of their prompts/ short stories.
Here is a link to the collab if you wish to contibute: LINK
Popular Stories List 10/11/14

Chapters (93)

After working the day away, Twilight decides that she wants to have fun. What better fun than by playing a prank on Princess Luna? Armed with her sticky notes and quill, Twilight is ready to start a prank war.

Twi x Luna shipping story.

Chapters (1)

Vice Principal Luna gets a call from Principal Celestia to come to her office.

One problem, though... Celestia's drunk.

A writing practice from Rated Ponystar!

Coverart made for me by Aunt Celestia!

Chapters (1)

Octavia is treated to a night out at the expense of her best friend Vinyl Scratch. But when Vinyl's true intentions for how the night was supposed to end come out. Octavia must make a life changing decision

Chapters (1)