• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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Derpy hasn't spoken to her parents in nine years, and that suits her just fine.

But when a school project on family trees causes Dinky to raise questions about her grandparents, and why she's never met them, Derpy is forced to talk about the argument involving Dinky herself that caused her to leave her home.


Chapters (1)

Just a little short story about Octavia and Vinyl Scratch practicing their respective instruments… in the same room. Which, for anypony who knows them, obviously will lead to… problems.

The name also has a double meaning because I’m practicing. Practicing writing that is.

This is my first story posted on Fimfiction, and is mostly only just practice as I said. It is also to figure out how posting a story even works!

POV Characters:
- Octavia Melody

Other Characters:
- Vinyl Scratch AKA DJ-pon3

Contains Octavia x Vinyl, which is a lesbian shipping. If you are homophobic feel free to NOT read my story. But if you wish to read it, realize that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and then become a good, loving and tolerant person… That’s okay too.

I don’t have an editor or pre-reader and I wrote this really quickly, so it probably sucks. I'm not really a good writer and I know that. Just enjoy it as it is, for what it is: Fluff.
(I also know I overuse ellipses!)

Constructive criticism is welcome, but I’ll be honest: I'm kind of easily hurt, so try to be kind about it please.

There will be no clop… but there will be subtle hints. (Or maybe not so subtle). All only mention of course. No explicit mentions though, don’t worry…

This story concept could very easily have already been used by someone on this site or beyond. However, if this is the case, I have not ever seen it. So sorry if I seem to be copying someone. It’s entirely accidental.

Cover art from MLP wiki.

Edit: This fic now has a dramatic reading on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-5UUJ4bvn0

PS: Not planning a sequel or anything, but if I get surprisingly positive results I might. Let me know if you want one etc. etc.
I’m not a huge shipper of Octavia x Vinyl, but I do passively ship them. I’ve been reading a lot of fics about them lately and decided write some myself. That way, if I screw up, I won’t ruin one of my favourite ships!

Chapters (1)

Twilight is ecstatic, and can't wait to share her wonderful news with Celestia.

She just hopes that Celestia will share in her happiness.

Primary Cast: Princess Twilight, Princess Celestia

Preread by TheWraithWriter.
Edited by Level Dasher.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows Scootaloo: Ponyville's most prominent orphan. Despite her sad story, she always remains chipper and upbeat. Why is that?

Primary Cast: Spike, Scootaloo

Preread by TheWraithWriter.
Edited by Level Dasher.

Chapters (1)

Love is a tricky business. Twilight knows this, and the subject has always fascinated her ever since she saw its raw power at her brother's wedding. She is fully prepared to study it in depth... some day. But when Cadance asks her to take part in an experiment that could revolutionize love in Equestria, Twilight realizes that day has come sooner than expected.

If you had a clock that could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?

Cover art courtesy of Jondor. Go on his page and tell him he's awesome!

Chapters (4)

Vinyl doesn't care for coffee shops. They're too mellow. So when Octavia insists they both go to her favourite haunt, Long-shots, she isn't impressed.

In lower Canterlot, however, very little is as innocent as it seems, and Vinyl is about to hear a story from one of her friends previous visits... and she may not like what she hears.

What comes next is worse.

Teen for language and violence. Nothing graphic, but best to err on the side of caution.

Chapters (1)

Presenting Princess Celestia, fair and beloved ruler of Equestria, and her daughters, Luna and Twilight, heirs to the Equestrian throne.

Wait, what was that last bit?

Due to an unknown spell, Princess Celestia must take care of her new young daughters as she fights her stronger-than-ever motherly instincts while finding a way to return everything back to normal.

Now with 20% more cover image thanks to the wonderful LevelDasher!!

It was featured again while cancelled lol (19/10/20)
Thank you, everyone!
This was adopted from TheFaceOfMercy

Chapters (10)

Octavia sat in her kitchen, enjoying a cup of tea and the afternoon sunlight. Then, Vinyl Scratch had a question.

Reading by Scribbler

Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

Twilight's been crushing on Rainbow Dash for a long time - months even. When she finally decides it's time to come clean, she's more than ready to, but Rainbow may have other plans. The prismatic mare has a crush of her own, and she's come to Twilight for help.

Chapters (1)