• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012


♪ We're up all night to get pony! ♫

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A short story in which You helps Twilight lose her ever-grammatical mind.

Massive thanks to Level Dasher for stepping in and proofreading/editing! He pointed out a ton of little (and not-so-little) details that I missed, and I feel his efforts really put a coat of polish on the story.

Chapters (1)

All side stories for the Spell to Happiness story will be posted here, and will have descriptions for each side story.

Running from the Ghost- Spike returns without the quills Twilight had sent him out for, but finds much more than an angry Twilight awaiting his return. Instead, he finds a ghost haunting the library, so he does the only thing a baby dragon in his situation can do! He runs for his life!

Edited by The Abyss

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rarity's relationship was never easy, even at the best of times. But their love for one another was constant, an irresistible force, up until one day when it was no longer enough.

Years have passed since then, and on one quiet night, their paths cross once again.

Cover image by White Diamonds via rarijack-daily
Edited by Exuno

Chapters (1)

For Twilight everything was going as well as it possibly could be. She finally had gotten used to all of the changes that came from her alicorn transformation, and her life was the way that she liked it. Structured, organized and full of friends that made everyday something to look forward too.

Little did she know that all of that was going to be turned on it's head, with one simple action from a painfully bored cyan coloured pegasus. For months she had kept a secret hidden away from her, and now thanks to dumb luck, it seemed that her secret was going to be in the hooves of the one that she kept from so for so long. At first she was worried about what would happen once Rainbow found out. What would Rainbow think once she found out? Would her worst fears of their good friendship breaking apart at the seems come true?

Twilight's fears however seemed that all for naught, as none of them were even close to coming true. In fact the one thing that Twilight never expected was the one thing that came true. That one event quickly cascaded into a series that eventually led to the development of the happiest relationship that she had ever had. Sure it was weird on how everything had happened, but as she looked back, she wouldn't have it any other way.

This is a small story that I wanted to do for some time, but never really had the ambition to do it. So after a couple of months, and some extensive procrastination... It's finally here! This is my take on what could possibly happen if the roles that Twilight and Rainbow typically have in TwiDash stories were reversed. What would happen if Rainbow was the obvious one, instead of Twilight?

Of course I have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks to Kodeake, jlm123hi, and Hardc0r3Br0n3 for helping me with editing, idea bouncing, and pretty much everything relating to the development of the story. Thanks also goes to a good MTG friend of mine for inspiring me to put this up as part of the National Novel Writing Month.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story as always. Feel free to comment on anything that you so wish to. All feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

The past couple months have been hard on Twilight; she's taken to living in Canterlot Castle to ensure she can truly fulfill her role as a Princess of Equestria. However, the longer she's there, away from her friends, the more she realizes what her life is missing. She has status and friendship, but still she has troubles sleeping as a loneliness clings to her heart. Perhaps she's missing something.

And maybe a friend who shares a similar situation can shed some light on her problems sleeping.

Enter Rainbow Dash, a mare at the top of her world in every way. And yet, in the best hotels the Wonderbolts can buy, she finds the large beds just a little bit too empty to fall asleep.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Day Dreams of Rainbows

A few months after Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash confessed their feelings to each other, Rainbow Dash proposed marriage to Twilight. Now, everyone is getting ready for the big day. A new royal wedding is on the way, and no one could be more excited.

However, Rainbow Dash is feeling quite nervous about the whole thing. She struggles with her own fears and pre wedding jitters. Will the wedding go off without a hitch? Or is their relationship doomed to fail?

Nyx is a character made by Pen Stroke.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. I own nothing from the franchise.

Chapters (3)

It was supposed to be Octavia’s first big moment in her beginning career. To her dismay a unicorn named Vinyl Scratch stole her spotlight and left an impression on the cellist she would so soon not forget.

This is my take on how two of my favorite ponies met and the stages they went through.

This story takes place about 2 years before Nightmare Moon returns, so you will not see any of the main characters here. If you are here for some Scootaloo & Rainbow Dash, I am sorry to disappoint you.

But please….stay a while and listen….err read.

Rated Teen for some slightly darker scenarios in later chapters and some crude attempted humor.

Chapters (32)

Detective Inspector Buckem knocks on the door to Octavia and Vinyls house. He believes that Vinyl is a vampire, guilty of the deaths of at least 25 ponies. Will he convince Octavia to help him bring her wife to justice, or will love prevail?

Another one-shot. Halloween Special!

Oh, just so you know. The second chapter and the sequel is VERY optional. If you want the story to end with chapter one, you may. If you want a continuation, you have a second chapter and a sequel to enjoy. I try to please everypony. :twilightsmile:

Cover by Pixiecold

Chapters (2)

At Celestia's behest, Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration, and potentially the return of Nightmare Moon.

Her preparations will be anything but easy. The stallions in charge of the festivities all seem to have taken a "romantic" interest in her, and every one of them is terrible at flirting. Really terrible. Really.

T for innuendo/creepy behavior. Thanks to Sereg for prereading and to Midnight Rambler for helping with the first draft song sequence. Thanks to Posey, Jetto, Blank!, and Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi for editing (Plus three other anons who didn't give me their fimfic names). Especial thanks to whatmustido and ocalhoun for nitpicking the hell out of this mess.

All-mare version
All-stallion version
Stallion Twilight/mare main five version
The password for the FIMfic versions is: TUSH
(Every version is essentially identical, save character gender. Comments are enabled on the Gdocs if you notice any typos :twilightsmile:)

Chapters (3)

Octavia has questioned many times about why Vinyl enjoys being a DJ and how she could stand the music she plays. But never once had it ever crossed her mind to ask Vinyl a very important question, of all the instruments that were available, why did she choose the turntable?

Chapters (1)