• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012

DJ Zergling

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Whether you steal a candy bar or murder your way through an orphanage with a butter knife, you go to Tartarus.

Too bad for Sweetie Belle that she ended on the lower end of the scope.

Chapters (2)

On the Pie family farm, there are only rocks. It's a life Pinkie moved away from. Back home, after a tragic event, her sister Inkie wonders if she should do the same. After all: it's hard to have a life worth living, with only rocks.

Written for the EQD Prereader Battle of June 2013

Edited by Vimbert.

Cover image edited by knighty.

Chapters (1)

What is reality? What is fantasy? Could this all be a dream? Or am I in the presence of a miracle? All these questions run by young Ellis' mind as he tries to piece together fact from fiction when he meets a strange woman with wings and a horn who looked like a princess from a fairy tale that doesn't exist. Who is this woman? Why did she come to him? And the most important question: where did she come from?

(Its a work in progress. I'm currently working on it as we speak and I promise you, the payoff is gonna be great. This story is one I've been piecing together for a while now, with many ideas and careful precision. Hopefully it turns out how I want it, and hopefully you'll like it. Keep up to date.)

Chapters (7)

Sweetie Belle walks into the kitchen one morning to find Shining Armor cooking eggs. It all goes downhill from there.

Chapters (2)

Gilda has just lost her childhood friend. She feels awfully foalish at the moment. Can she ever hope to find a new one?

(This is my first one-shot. Inspired by Griffin Village's song "Winter (Gilda)". I hope that you have enough kindness in your heart to forgive her <3)

P.S. Contains some mild language.

Chapters (1)

Trixie Lulamoon, no matter how much she tries, finds that ponies around here can't accept her new humbleness. So she plans to live in a place far from mainland Equestria, where nopony knows her enough to judge her based on past actions: Trottingham. An off-shore city-state with a history of austerity, crime, and endless precipitation.

She finds a lonely friendship, among a rushing torrent of Trottingham's native social detritus, with Leif, a Gryphon with a kind soul but a deceptively darker past. A past that will soon intertwine their companionship, and maybe push the two closer towards something more.

And as the old saying goes, birds of a feather, flock together.

Author's Note: Don't expect clop in this story, just a light...moderate....slightly more moderate amount of ship. Enjoy!

Chapters (9)

It's the year 2559. The UNSC barely managed to fight off the hordes of the Covenant. That victory came at a hefty price. With the war over and the rebuilding process beginning, the UNSC Tuscany is sent out to investigate potential new worlds to colonize. It's crew and captain are in for a surprise when a gravitational anomaly turns into a tense situation where cooler heads must prevail.

Super-Edited Version Coming Soon

Proofread by: Alex Nuage and way2dawn

Now 100% Twilight's Library Approved

Awesome fan-art by Gothshy [Check it out]

Chapters (32)

After losing out on first chair cellist in the Manehattan Philharmonic Orchestra to her biggest rival, Octavia tries to console herself with a healthy bout of moping and a strong drink. One drink soon becomes several, though, and her evening of debauchery leads to a long night of frenzied, sordid passion with her best friend Vinyl Scratch. It isn't until she wakes up in the morning with Vinyl's legs wrapped around her that Octavia remembers two very important things: one, she's straight. And two, if the infamously strict conductor of the Philharmonic finds out how unrefined Octavia's social life has become, she could lose her one and only chance at the only dream she's ever had in her life.

This could get a little bit complicated.

Cover art by CouchCrusader, who I swear to God is like fatting me up for slaughter or something with all the custom stuff he does for me.

Half-heartedly edited by NTSTS #dunked

Chapters (1)

In an alternate universe, Golden Harvest, or Carrot Top, is Lady Harvest, the Queen of Equestria. Having forced her subjects to eat nothing but carrots for their entire lives, she is facing a crisis. Ponies are revolting, and only with the help of her faithful student, Roseluck, can she expect to get through this in one piece.

If you take this seriously, you have nobody to blame but yourself for whatever happens.

Obviously, the title is a play on words of the Red Hot Chili Peppers song, "Monarchy of Roses".

Chapters (2)

What if Discord were God?

Skeeter the Lurker reads Thus Dwell in Joy!

Cover image is Arrivederci, love Discord by CountANDRA.

Chapters (2)