• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012

DJ Zergling

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A thousand years is quite the generation gap, so Princess Luna decides she has to get with the times. However, this isn't quite as easy as she thinks it will be...

Chapters (21)

(2nd Person POV) Your childhood started out just like any other. You had friends, you attended school, you had a mother and father. It was all taken away from you. You have no recollection of your childhood, only the scene of a traumatic event. Losing all hope in recovering, you leave to a small, secluded town known as Ponyville, hoping to isolate yourself. You'll find out that all you needed was a little color to revive those memories.

Edited by: Sleipnir and DoctorBrony

Chapters (26)

There are those who are inspired by the world, truly gifted and blessed, who watch it through a broken kaleidoscope, seeing what others care not to see.

Inspired by "Kids" by MGMT.

Chapters (4)

Roseluck hasn't had much luck finding even a single changeling to romance.

The Detector had blown up on itself on its first test run.
The Bipedal-Changeling-Tracker-Bot kept trying to smash down her neighbor's door.
The Change-Fume had the unfortunate side effect of having a quarter of Ponyville write horrible love poems to her.
And, of course, one couldn't simply forget the Occulus.

But now, the Changeling-Finder is armed with Truth Dust and the resolve to succeed - Changelings, beware: when she gets her hooves on you, the hugs will never cease.

(Inspired by their positioning in the character selection window :D)

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is being tormented by horrific nightmares. Unable to deal with it by herself anymore she seeks out Twilight's help, but will it have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4676/Too-Shy-for-a-Rainbow

There have been a LOT of high-quality readings of Silent Ponyville, but this one is my personal favorite:

Chapters (12)

When Ruby boards the first trans-oceanic flight in Equestrian history, the last place she expects to end up is stranded in the middle of Eternity's Crossing in the wake of a horrific zeppelin crash. After a mysterious tower leads her and a fellow survivor to discover a twisted and fragmented city twenty thousand feet below the surface of the ocean, though, a bit of fire and smoke is the last thing she needs to worry about. Between the horrendously disfigured residents and the paranoia of the madmare who once built and controlled it, daily survival in this corrupted utopia is anything but a guarantee. But with the help of some new friends and a few genetic enhancements, Ruby isn't going down without a fight, and in the process might just discover that the deadliest weapon in Harmony is herself.

An adaptation of BioShock for the world of MLP. Written to be comprehensible to anyone, regardless of whether they've played the original game.

Chapters (12)

Humanity has grown to control most of the Sol system, and looks to distant stars for further expansion options. When probes discover an uncannily-earthlike planet at a vast distance, the Solar Government takes on a project larger than any before it.

A colony ship, carrying over seven thousand people, the Eclipse is constructed. Thanks to its translight engine, it is capable of making the journey within two decades. The expedition is launched with high hopes, its crew made up of the best and brightest, setting out to prove that the vastness of space was no longer an insurmountable obstacle, that landing on distant worlds full of life was no longer just a pipe dream.

What happens when this colony ship's crew arrives at their destination would forever change humanity's outlook on the rest of the universe, as well as what could be deemed possible. Supernatural beings, energies unexplainable, and most importantly, sapient organisms all populate this mysterious, fertile world. In all of its extensive preparations, is the Eclipse versatile enough to tackle the task assigned to it? Or, more importantly, is its crew?

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/1/2013.

Pre-read by Stringtheory and Milo. Proofread by Erumpet and Demetrius. Thanks! Contains some hard and some soft sci-fi elements.

Chapters (6)