• Member Since 6th Dec, 2012

DJ Zergling

Talk music to me.

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A follow up to Honesty in the White House about what happens when a rather eccentric American visits the land of talking multicolored ponies.You dont have to have read it to get this one, but it'll make more sense if you do read the first one.
"But what fun is there in making sense?"
"Go away, Discord, I'm busy."
"But... okay."

Chapters (1)

[10/10 The Equestrian Critics Society] [Featured on EQD] [Twilight's Library Approved]
Having a morning ritual allows a pony to prepare for the coming day with a minimum of thought, thus freeing their minds to contemplate everything from the past to the future... for some this is less than ideal.

Editing: Tundara and Flea Candy

Chapters (2)

Becoming an alicorn has been hectic, and it's nice for Twilight to be able to kick back for a moment and do something she loves, with Pinkie Pie no less.

Science, of course. Why, what were you thinking? Though shouting your 'Eureka' moment in the streets is bound to get ponies thinking...

Chapters (1)

It's Fluttershy's twenty-first birthday, and her friends expose her to the wonder of cider for the first time. But how will the adorably shy pony react to this intoxicating new beverage?

Pre-readers: Cockroach42, Oatsmaster, Phearlock.
Cover art by Lurarin.

Chapters (1)

My name is Sea Swirl and I love swimming in the Ocean. That hardly tells you anything about a pony, though. My name is Sea Swirl and my Mother is a thief and a murderer. Maybe. Maybe that tells you too much.

Maybe a pony would say that has nothing to do with me whatever, sins of the mother, so to speak, but she's turned up after all these years, alive and well in Ponyville. My quest to find her and hold her to account is waylaid as she adds high treason to the list and leads me, as a bit of a tag along to the Element Bearers, on a desperate chase deep into the heart of Eagleland.

Airships, griffons, murder, scheming and magic. An unreliable narrator and often neurotic, Sea Swirl is toyed with by her mother whose motivations are her own secret. Is everything she ever knew a lie or is she likewise a killer as her mother insists?

Chapters (18)

The conductor takes his bows, smiling with pointed teeth as he drives me to insanity.

To Mr. Ignorable. Art used lovingly without permission by Soulspade.

Chapters (3)

In which in an odd land, one particular pony becomes many things for a lost one.

Chapters (9)

Comet takes his job too seriously. Angel doesn't take anything seriously.

Comet joined to protect kingdom and princess(es). Angel joined for adventure and danger.

Comet isn't interested in mares. Angel can't stop talking about stallions.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, this unlikely duo goes through life as Royal Guards from basic training to fully fledged guardsponies. Who knows? Maybe they'll even start to get along.

Cover art by slawomiro.

Chapters (30)

What would a day in Ponyville be like if Discord had succeeded in taking over Equestria?

It would be odd, no doubt. Even a game of chess can be warped into something so unusual it upsets the balance of life itself.


Actually, this is just the ramblings of a man who was half asleep at 4:30 in the morning with nothing better to do than to write down his thought process.

There wasn't supposed to be a second chapter.


Chapters (2)