• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012


Brony from Elmira, NY. I have a crush on Rainbow Dash, Spike and Tempest Shadow. I am building my own world in Cities Skylines.

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    Created by Jdog84
    - October, 2014
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There are some situations where being an Element-Bearer can help a pony in her daily life.

Getting a mailing address officially changed isn't one of them.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

It is a well-known fact that the ponies of Equestria, in general, do not wear clothes. From Princess Celestia all the way down to Applejack, it would seem that the only time ponies bother with such a frivolous thing is for special occasions.

But the truth is far more complicated than that. As it turns out, all of those ponies are dressed.

You just can't see it.

As seen on Equestria Daily!

Editors: Sipioc, Georg, Zen and Ponies

Cover art by the Right Most Awesome Sipioc

Russian translation provided by Grand Cat

Chapters (1)

After being inexplicably portaled into Equestria, Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle try to figure out what the hell to do with you. Apparently, they knew this was bound to happen.


Chapters (1)

A startling situation arises when Princess Celestia begins acting crazily and violently cuddling the ponies around her. Fearing the breakdown of the government, Princess Luna and one of Canterlot's most unfortunate doctors hatch a plan to cure her by letting her cuddle the daylights out of a Royal Guard.

Cover art is by magister39.

EDIT: #2 featured on 6/17!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by LonelyFanboy48!

Chapters (2)

"'Colts will be Colts' is not a sentiment that applies here at my Friendship School!

Times have changed. Kids or not, everyone, students of friendship included, have to answer for these sorts of disrespectful displays. Now, all of you, down to Counselor Glimmer's office, immediately! I'm going to have a long chat with her about what to do with you all!"

EDIT: Featured #2 same day, 3/21/19! Thanks!
EDIT: #1 same day! YEET- thanks all!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Being a Princess of Equestria is a hard and lonely job. Princess Cadance knows this firsthoof, and if it wasn't for her faithful husband Shining Armor, she would be grumpy too!

Still, she can't just sit by and watch her beloved aunts waste away in loneliness and anger! Maybe that old mirror hidden in her castle holds a solution...

Cover Art by TJPones

EDIT: Featured like 20 mins after posting (lol nice) on 6/3/19.

EDIT: #1 just a few hours after posting! Glad you all are liking it :3

Chapters (1)

You, the only human in all of Equestria, come back home to Twilight's castle after a night on the town and find that everycreature's favorite ponies are there having a slumber party! If you play your cards right, you might get to hug them, pet them, or maybe even...CUDDLE with them!

Cover Art by sorcerushorserus.

EDIT: Featured 4/15/18!
EDIT: Featured at #1 same day!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Lonely Fanboy48!

Chapters (9)

Levi Williamson, Esq. barely even noticed as the program called CelestAI expanded its reach from a child's video game to every significant industry in the world. He probably would've continued to ignore her, were it not for a single gag gift at his firm's charity raffle. Now he's the not-so proud owner of a brand new PonyNav, the latest in vehicle navigation software for people who don't want to use their smartphones. His new AI copilot might be cute, but she's clearly more than she seems...

He's not the only one. PonyNav devices are available in all sizes, from the simple dashboard models to commercial vehicle upgrades. Every commercial PonyNav includes intelligent routing for bridges, weigh stations, and truck stops. And if you're having trouble lining up contracts, CelestAI probably has some deliveries in mind...

Updates Tuesdays.

Part of the Optimalverse universe of stories. If you've never seen a story in this universe before, you might want to try out the original first, or at least my first. None of my previous work is required to understand this one, however.

Every time I think I'm done with Optimalverse, some new idea appears. This one began as a commission for Goodluckfox, who gave me the tremendous opportunity to write a new idea in a universe I love.

As usual, particular thanks go to my editors Two Bit and Sparktail. And gratitude to Zutcha as well for the cover, in case anypony hasn't seen my stories before.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2

After the insanity of the Royal Wedding, all Rahs wants to do is relax, and maybe finally make it in theater, and find a girlfriend. His Granny Luna and Sister in law Cadence were really interested in that last one.

Of course as one of the Sparkle siblings, relaxation is often hard to come by, particularly with a neurotic sister, a devious younger brother, and all their insane friends. Then add in a demonic rabbit, the return of a great evil, a pegasi betting pool, TRRRRRRRRRIXIE, a massive sports event, witch wolves, a well chewed chaos god, a mysterious thief from another world, and an ancient curse.

It's going to be a busy year.

Another season in the Puppyverse.

Season 4 is live https://www.fimfiction.net/story/456282/twilight-gets-a-puppy-season-4

Chapters (72)

This story is a sequel to Hello, This is Not a Scammer, I Promise

Several months after his failed attempt to scam several ponies in Equestria, Hard Head gets a call from a scammer himself. He traces the call and finds a real scammer call center.

He doesn't know how to handle it.

Chapters (5)