• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012


Brony from Elmira, NY. I have a crush on Rainbow Dash, Spike and Tempest Shadow. I am building my own world in Cities Skylines.

Favourites 849 stories
  • Favourites 849 stories - 1070 unread chapters
    Created by Jdog84
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Scholarly Snuggles

After Twilight snuggles you (on Princess Celestia's orders) to learn about how the magic of cuddling relates to the magic of friendship, Twilight decides that her other friends should learn the same lesson- and sends you to Rainbow Dash first. Adorable cuddling and some surprising truths about Rainbow Dash (eventually) follow.

A sequel to "Scholarly Snuggles" and "Seraphic Snuggles", and the third story in the "Snuggles" series.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rustic Snuggles

Heading home to Ponyville Castle after a long day of snuggling Applejack at her farm, you are accosted by an adorable little pegasus mare who demands snuggles. When her sister comes home, you find yourself having to snuggle with her, too...
The seventh story in the 'Snuggles' series (it is not necessary to read any of the others in order to enjoy this one!). The others are:
Seraphic Snuggles
Scholarly Snuggles
Prismatic Snuggles
Shadowy Snuggles
Sunlit Snuggles
Direct Sequel to: Rustic Snuggles

Chapters (1)

A Cozy Glow-hating brony is fooled by the nefarious filly herself into switching bodies, now he's the one locked in Tartarus while she's causing havoc in his world. Uh-oh. Also, nopony believes him... because he's Cozy Glow. Makes perfect sense.

Get ready for a wild, weird ride.

Featured from 9/11/18 to 12/11/18

Chapters (17)

You have befriended Tempest Shadow, a former arch-nemesis of Equestria; you like to spend time with her in the local park, despite her not being a big talker. Maybe she'd join you for your afternoon nap, if you asked nicely?

Based on a basic scenario by Enigmatic Otaku on a brief Blog Post Contest I held a few weeks back, and published with permission.

EDIT: Featured just a few hours after posting, early morning 10/23/18!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Mother's Warmth

The night is long, it can be dark and cold with only the slight comfort of the moons light and the stars shine. Tonight, Nyx is unable to find her footing in the realm of dreams, she reads books and drinks milk but tonight she can't seem to sleep. And what a beautiful night to lose some sleep over.

Written mostly out of my own frustrations involving my lack of active writing this year, and the sloth that has filled my life the last few months prior to this fics publishing.

Warning: POV shift toward the end, and I have a reason I will not divulge for fear of spoilers. You're all smart, try to think about how our narrator knew all this was happening. :raritywink:

Based on the characters by Pen Stroke
Cover art by - shelbythehedgehog112
Edited by - Kirito-Persona

Chapters (1)

It is the middle of winter, it was cold that day, but that night was even colder. Freezing in her bed at night, Nyx seeks out the warmth of one who has always been there to love and comfort her. Winter is a season of rest, as Nyx is about to learn, though cold and as harsh as a Windigo's call, it can be a beautiful, and wonderful time of year.

Cover art by the lovely and talented, TealessTea.
Nyx is a character created by Pen Stroke.
Short story, intended to show just a small moment in Nyx's life.

Chapters (1)

Having just returned from Starlight's village, Twilight and her friends set about salvaging what they could from the Golden Oak Library with sparsely any success. A few books here, a mannequin there. And with luck, a few reminders of the past can be re-discovered beneath the broken boards and fallen branches.

It is on this salvage that Twilight and her friends discover the doll Nyx had kept since her days of darkness had been less fortunate then most of her other belongings. Afraid of upsetting Nyx, Twilight requests Rarity's help, only things don't go quite as planned and Rarity ends up having to remake it from scratch.

So this story got mentioned in one of Pen Strokes newest Past Sins Sequel, Glimpses, There are no words that describe my joy at this. I thank him again for creating Nyx and Past Sins, and for being a splendid fellow.

Nyx and Gray Gale were created by: Pen Stroke
Pre-read and edited by: Word Worthy
Cover art by: shelbythehedgehog112

Chapters (1)

You're the newest human in Equestria, and you're the guest of honor in the castle while the Princesses figure out a way to get you back to earth. One night, while out looking at the stars, Princess Luna comes to pay you a visit. HiE Fluff One-shot.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer has gotten her hooves on Twilight Sparkle's Friendship Journal and she realizes that she could fix everything with time travel...

... So she does.

Starlight Fixes Everything
In Thirty Seconds or Less
( Or the pizza is free! )

Featured on Equestria Daily!
The collaborative group project from Starlight Glimmer Fixes Everything
Authors' credits can be found at the end of each Season chapter
> pic unrelated

Reviewed and Recommended by PresentPerfect

Starlight Glimmer has gotten hold of a time-travel spell and the Friendship Journal, and she's gonna fix some drama, friendship lessons be hanged!
So here's a first: not only is this technically incomplete, but I'm about to be reviewing (in no particular detail) something I wrote! Or had a hand in writing, at least. Holy shit, there's 54 authors in this. @_@ As the season 8 chapter was just uploaded, I feel the time has come to throw the spotlight on it, incomplete or no. What will you find in here? Hilarity. Not every installment is equally good, but this is a celebration of everything that makes Starlight Glimmer the overpowered psychopath we all know and love. The problem with fix-fics tends to be a lack of drama or conflict, but when your starting premise is "we're going to short-circuit all the drama, and it's gonna be funny", the field is ripe for shenanigans. There's lots of pizza, lots of shipping (and the thing I did in S8 where Starlight's getting old, which I don't think actually works, but whatever); this is a real good time and you could do far worse than pull up a few of its episodes now and then for some laughs. You never can know what someone will come up with to short-circuit an episode, after all! Trust me, I wrote the non-canon sequel. :V

Missing Out

Chapters (9)

This is a fan-made, alternative ending to AuroraDawn's "Rainbow Factory". All credit for the original story, and the source of my inspiration, goes fully to her.

Chapters (1)