• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012


Brony from Elmira, NY. I have a crush on Rainbow Dash, Spike and Tempest Shadow. I am building my own world in Cities Skylines.

Favourites 849 stories
  • Favourites 849 stories - 1070 unread chapters
    Created by Jdog84
    - October, 2014
Found 592 stories in 63ms

Total Words: 11,092,582
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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Word around Ponyville is that Queen Chrysalis is planning something.

Something big.

Something terrible.

Something beyond imagination.

If only Queen Chrysalis had any idea what that something was.

Artwork by UncertainStardust.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Seraphic Snuggles

Princess Celestia has sent you to Ponyville to teach Twilight Sparkle another friendship lesson, which might involve a lot of platonic physical contact.

Sequel to Seraphic Snuggles.

Cover art by Jon Joseco and ripped from Bing Images.

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day. Anon wants a pizza; Cadance wants to find him a marefriend. Only one of them is going to get what they want today.

Chapters (1)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville, feeling alone without a date you are surprised when a cute yak catches your eye.

Cute fluff ahead.

Made Popular 10/30/18

Chapters (1)

Every so often, once a century or so, Celestia gets a certain itch. With great care, she shrewdly plots a way to slake her wanton thirst for horse shenanigans and tomfoolery. As fate would have it, on this fine occasion, she's chosen to commit larceny, while disguised as the one, the only, Applejack...

Something fun for everybody. I hope y'all enjoy it!

Artwork by Big Rigs

Chapters (1)

The streets of Ponyville are no longer safe. Constantly being bumped into, honked at, and yelled at by an elderly alien has driven the citizens into their homes. All he wants is Denny's, who or what that is no pony knows. Can Twilight and her friends stop this monster from destroying the quiet little town?

Not if his Korean war stories are to be believed...

Rated Teen for language. Proofread and Edited by FlutterPriest and Admiral Biscuit.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to A Flurry of Cute

It’s been a few years after your encounter with Flurry Heart. Though you’ve grown to be a college student and became more mature, you still missed the little filly. She was that little bundle of joy you could never resist.

On a fine Christmas Eve, you might’ve just received your present a little earlier than usual. Just a bit.

I did not expect the prequel to blow up like that! Thanks and that’s why I’m making this story! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

You find yourself strolling home after a day at school. In your arms, was a brown, cardboard box, which contained a certain thing inside.

You take it home to investigate- And might as well, spend some time with this something you’ve found.

Besides, whose heart wouldn’t be melted by Princess Flurry Heart?

Inspired by My Little Dashie. Also, finally decided to add cover arts! You can find the original art here, and special thanks to my best friend irl for helping me modify the drawing!:twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

After having saved all of Equestria together, the Student Six certainly have a strong friendship, but is it truly unbreakable?

Wanting to find out, Friendship School Guidance Councillor Starlight Glimmer decides to give them the ultimate test: playing Cards Against Equestria.

Can their friendship survive this horrible game?

Sex tag is for raunchy jokes only. There is no actual sex in this story.

For this story, I used actual cards from the game, though some of them have been slightly altered so that they more closely reflect the world of Friendship is Magic instead of the real world.

Inspired by Mythril Moth’s Cards Against Equestria Girls, and BronyOverlord’s Cards Against Starlight

Featured on 26/11/2018

YouTube reading here

Chapters (11)

When a magical malaise falls over Ponyville, stealing the very words from ponies' mouths, it's up to Applejack to save the day!

... so long as she can figure out what the heck everypony's trying to say, first.

Chapters (2)