• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012


Brony from Elmira, NY. I have a crush on Rainbow Dash, Spike and Tempest Shadow. I am building my own world in Cities Skylines.

Favourites 849 stories
  • Favourites 849 stories - 1071 unread chapters
    Created by Jdog84
    - October, 2014
Found 592 stories in 64ms

Total Words: 11,092,582
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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For the third year in a row, the Grand Galloping Gala ends in chaos.

Twilight really should have expected as much.

A finalist in Everfree Northwest's Iron Author Challenge! Written in just two hours, with the prompt-words fire, palpable, & brooch.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, there was a man living in a typical suburban house in the heart of America, and one day he somehow found himself someplace in Equestria. But this was no ordinary place in Equestria! It was an extraordinary place where no human has ever been before.

In honor of National Bat Appreciation Day

Now with a reading by Icahbod Creep!

Chapters (1)

What can you do on Hearts and Hooves Day if you’re a single immortal alicorn? Spy on Equestria and discuss relationships of course! Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have invited Princess Cadence into their annual event where they plead the case for their ideal pairings of the ponies we know and love; hoping the Princess of Love will have some refreshing insight on the matter. Who is YOUR OTP and how does it stack up?

This piece was created as an entry for "Scribblefest" hosted by Everfree Northwest 2017. I've never entered a pony writing contest before so I thought this year I would give it a shot!

To any fanfic readers out there: please ask before you use any of my stories for audio adaptations. Initial rights to this story go to TheLostNarrator in terms of audio productions :) thanks!

Chapters (1)

Andy has lived in Equestria for two years and his only friend is Pinkie Pie, the best friend of everypony. However, when Andy is working at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie always acts strangely around him for some reason and she is constantly getting on Andy's nerves.

One day, the truth is finally revealed.

How will Andy react?

Chapters (1)

After finishing her portion of the day's harvest in record time, Applejack heads home early to check on how Apple Bloom's doing alone in their house. What she discovers once she gets there shocks her right to her core, and what happens afterwards changes the way she sees her little sister forever.

First runner-up in Obselescence's The Most Dangerous Game contest, using the prompt "An OC and a major canon character (in this case, Apple Bloom) fall in love with each other."

Chapters (1)

After the Storm King's invasion of Canterlot, Twilight realizes just how scarce Discord seems to become during any kind of crisis. He would have been a huge help in repelling Tempest and her armada, after all! Seeking answers, Twilight decided it was about time Discord explained himself.

This is Discord, so she should have known it wasn't going to be that simple.

Chapters (1)

Nearly a week since the Storm King's defeat and still no one has seen trace of Discord. For Twilight and friends, what started as mild irritation at Discord's inaction in their most recent crisis has turned to worry at the inexplicable disappearance of their friend. So when he suddenly shows up in Ponyville acting as though nothing's wrong, he certainly has some explaining to do.

And it's an explanation that no one could have seen coming.

Chapters (1)

As a member of the weather team, Rainbow Dash always knows when the best days will be, and she made sure this would be a perfect one. The beginning of each month was always the best. She'd been putting this off for too long, but April 1st is the day Rainbow finally tells Anon how she feels about him.

He'll understand, right?
This is my first attempt at fanfiction based on a very short story idea I had a little while ago. Any advice and feedback would be much appreciated. Also, yes, I slightly missed April Fools Day.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How many have you forgiven today?

For Anon, so much has changed in a little amount of time. He can't really complain about it either. Things are getting better and he knows that the sisters are happy too. However, there's been a change in Celestia, it's small but it still has him questioning the reason. Did he do something wrong or could it be something else?

A special thanks to the following people:
PeerImagination, Dedicated and always ready to proofread any story I make. (c1-13)
SirReal, Countless hours of editing and refining my story. (c1-8)
Proofreading (c1-6) by Ra1nbowCrasH and Anonimous
I appreciate all the time you've invested in my stories.

Chapters (23)

A gigantic robot bounty hunter freelance peacekeeping agent is stalking Equestria, destroying everything it sees. Meanwhile, Twilight is more concerned with finding a copy of a book about moths. Yes, it's going to be another one of those days.

Chapters (1)