• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012


Brony from Elmira, NY. I have a crush on Rainbow Dash, Spike and Tempest Shadow. I am building my own world in Cities Skylines.

Favourites 849 stories
  • Favourites 849 stories - 1070 unread chapters
    Created by Jdog84
    - October, 2014
Found 592 stories in 58ms

Total Words: 11,092,582
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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When Twilight Sparkle had the magical surge that cemented her place as Celestia's student, the amount of power she released not only hatched a baby Dragon, it brought forth something else. Something that shouldn't exist any more.
Something that has Celestia worried.

A fluffy puppy.

[Despite the gore tag it's rather light on that, and they have yet to make a lewd tag and there's a bit of that.]

Editing help by Lawlypops, ThatNoobpony and people in the comments.

Modoc is converting this story into a youtube audio format if you'd rather listen to the story. That link is here.

Cover art by marking

Season two is live here, Season 2

Chapters (122)

It turns out, the changeling invasion of Canterlot was very...improvised.

Chapters (2)

Many years ago, Ponyville was even smaller than it is now. But not too small to experience its first bank robbery.

In distinctly Ponyville style.

Editors: Tek, Irrespective
Picture credit: Stock Image

Now on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Crowning Achievement

The last time Twilight saw Starlight Glimmer, she threatened to kill Rainbow Dash when she was just a filly and ruin Twilight's life by going back in time. Only, when she failed to find Starlight in the past and returned home, Equestria wasn't a ruined wasteland, Ponyville was a lot bigger than she remembered, and all these new ponies in the castle were talking about some big pony they call Empress.

Chapters (5)

I've been best friends with Twilight since I was young, but since she's ascended, I've been left with a lot to think about. How will this change things between us?

Thanks to T for commissioning this story.

Chapters (1)

George has a lot to learn about Equestria. For the most part he's been doing that by reading all he can at the royal library, where he works. He's not too concerned with going out and making friends but meeting one pony may change how he feels about things.

Thanks to FallenAngel for commissioning this story.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Twilight gets a Puppy

Meet Rahs Sparkle, Moon Dog, Thespian, unexpected brother of Twilight and Spike Sparkle, even more unexpected grand pup of Princess Luna, and current target of the pink boat horse's nautical nonsense.

Join the Sparkle siblings as they deal with Chaos, live through Nightmare Night , survive the CMC, deal with charlatans, giants, dating, and the wedding of the century.

All somehow without strangling each other, or their friends.

Cover art by marking

[ Despite having to tag the story with Gore it is light on that. It is however somewhat heavy on innuendo and lewdness, but there's still no tag for that.]

[ It would also be good if you read the first book as it ties directly into this one.]


Chapters (83)

Trixie stumbles upon an old lamp with a genie who grants her three wishes. ANY wishes. It's just begging for trouble.

Chapters (1)

Miss Harshwhinny offers to be a substitute relationship counselor in Ponyville for a day. She knows a thing or two about judging, and counseling is basically the same thing, so what could possibly go wrong?

For Estee's TEMPorary Insanity contest

Now with a reading by ObabScribbler, AShadowOfCygnus, et al.

Chapters (1)

Fed up with the way the political elite are handling the ruling of Equestria, Trixie decides that it's time for a change of pace. She decides it's time to overthrow Celestia.

Celestia decides it's time to have a little fun.

You guys can thank Razgriz (and the latest Seattle's Angels post) for this one.

Chapters (1)