• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011


I'm Comma-Kazie; grammarian, nitpicker, and all-around master of feels.

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Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. Marvel at the insanity that is her life, and laugh at the suffering of her poor beleaguered best friend, Blossomforth. And maybe, just maybe, there's more to her than just the lovable sex maniac everypony thinks she is.

This is a semi-sequel to "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash." Not really a proper sequel, since it's focused on Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth instead of Rainbow and Pinkie, but it's in the same continuity. So I guess that makes it a follow-up-side-quel story. Or something. You don't need to have read "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash" to read or enjoy this, but you ought to read it anyway, just because.

TvTropes Page

The central story of the Winningverse.

We got a tag for Cloud Kicker, but Blossomforth still deserves one too.

Chapters (28)

Princess Celestia sends four adults ponies out into the world. They find that just because it's not your destiny to save the world, doesn't mean a goddess won't ask you to do just that. This story follows the tale of Pokey, Redheart, Cheerilee, and Medley as they find out what it means to sacrifice for the greater good of Equestria.

Chapters (16)

Twilight has always had a facianation for strange magics. Anything new, she instantly tries to find real world scenarios to use them. But during one of her bi-weekly sleepovers with Rarity and Applejack, she stubles onto an old magic book in the basement while playing hide and seek, its title reads "The Art and Form of Mind Swapping." Shenanigans will ensue.

Artwork by Bebopanimebabe and the picture can be found here!

Chapters (5)

Closing up his donut shop following the Grand Galloping Gala, Donut Joe discovers a Great and Powerful Trixie in need of food and bits. Needing help attracting crowds and waiting tables Donut Joe hires the show mare. Can Canterlot withstand Equestria's Greatest Ego?

Lets find out!

Edit Update:
Chapter 1: 2/10

Cover Image I commissioned from the Great and Divine Valkyrie-Girl! http://valkyrie-girl.deviantart.com/

The pic that inspired this is The Great and Powerful Trina by the Awesome and Talented http://askburningash.tumblr.com/ (No longer seems to be working so here is a link http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae118/dmcel233/image_zps5051e8b4.jpg)

Chapters (13)

After one intense argument with her sister, Rarity finally decides that it's time for an apology. But sometimes, even an apology won't fix things.

Chapters (2)

Because sometimes, just because you're immortal doesn't make you invulnerable. Sometimes, the one you're more proud of than anything else is the one that respects you the most, and sometimes respect goes deeper than either of you had ever realised.

Additionally, because sometimes an author wants to try and write something that doesn't end in horse sex, but instead adorable hugging and stuff. If this doesn't work out I'll probably go on and add some horse sex later, because people always like to see that, but I hope people enjoy it. My first foray into a full sized shipping fic, so please tell me what I screwed up.

EDIT: Updated with grammar improvements/education courtesy of the incredibly helpful kits.

Chapters (3)

Retiring as Colonel of the Equestrian Air Force, you figured the rest of your days would be spent sipping a mai-tai by the beach... Not wet work. But after Queen Chrysalis' attack on Canterlot, traitors are a plenty and the Princesses need someone they can trust... Someone like you.

So welcome to the world of espionage and counter-intelligence.

One of my commissioned works in the development. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (11)

Luna thinks of a novel way to cheer up a distraught Sweetie Belle. Five stars on Equestria Daily!

EDIT ONE: Please also check out Singing to the Moon by the fabulously talented uSea. It's a story which I didn't even know existed until someone in the comments pointed out the similarities (I mean, seriously, that story even has some of the exact same phrasing as my own. It's eerie).

EDIT TWO: Funnily enough, long after this was published, the show itself also did something similar. I guess there's something about this pairing that lends itself to this idea?

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash's rump meets lightning one time too many, she feels like her reputation in town is ruined as ponies start laughing at her misfortune. Her self-esteem in tatters and her loyalty waning, its up to her friends to help her. Please review!

12/22/11 EDIT: Updated with corrections, revisions and an added scene in Chapter 11

Chapters (12)

It's been a very, very long time since that first time Twilight Sparkle first stepped foot into Ponyville. It's been almost as long since the day of her wedding; a day nopony saw coming. The part they saw coming less than that was that the lucky "stallion" was Rainbow Dash, of all ponies. Of course, they lived the happiest lives they could possibly live together. But what happens when that life ends?

Twilight Sparkle is dead. Rainbow Dash has had this fact pounded into her skull over and over again, and on the day of her funeral it can't be denied any longer. As all her friends' attempts to console her go awry, the widow Dash is forced to confront the hole left gaping in her life with Twilight's absence. As Dash's thoughts spiral downward further and further towards the unthinkable, Applejack leads a last effort to re-kindle the spirit of her old rival.

(Image taken from primedawg9170 on Ponibooru)

So, uh, yeah! This is my first pony fic, ever. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Chapters (14)