• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014


Professional Nightmare Cultist.

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The Tree of Harmony loomed large before Gilda.

This was her one shot.

Taking a deep breath, she began her case. "Harmony, I have come to bargain."

Featured 8/19/2021 - 08/23/2021!

Chapters (1)

Part of the Spiral of Fate universe.

Outpost 13...often considered the most unlucky posting to be given when you’re a Royal Guard. It holds no real tactical value, and was built long ago before the Unification Period of the Three Pony Tribes. It’s now more of a historical site, being the last-standing remnant of a bygone era. It’s useless, it’s remote, and it’s boring.

And it’s the perfect dumping ground for when you want to get rid of three of the Royal Guard’s worst soldiers ever.

Private Samwise Tater (the Thinker), Corporal Plucky Guess (the Cynic), and Private Prism Rain (the Sleeper) --- the three of them have been at Outpost 13 for one year now, all on their own. Once you’ve been there that long, you begin to develop a routine: wake up at 0600, eat, then stave off boredom for the next 18 hours before it’s time to go to bed. Usually by talking or planning ways to take over the world, or if nothing else, how to raid Princess Celestia’s cake stash without getting caught.

Today’s their one year anniversary, and they’re at their breaking point.

(Heavily inspired by Rooster Teeth’s Red Vs. Blue web-series.)

Featured: 2021/08/18 - 2021/08/23
*200 Likes! Thanks everyone!*

SPECIAL THANKS: Cover art by Hunternif (Sketch 41: “Early Morning”)

Chapters (1)

A former pink pony finds herself in a new, hostile world and a new friend who's perhaps even more hostile. A small, angry man finds himself with a new friend he didn't want. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

Cover art used with permission from Technaro.

Chapters (211)

Daring Do writes fictional stories about the hero she wants to be. She wishes she had the courage to confront villains and curses but the truth is she’s spent her whole life running from both. She studies heroes of the past so she can try to be like them, but when she discovers the phylactery of Queen Somnambula she learns she’s not the only one to fictionalize history and that some heroes are better left unmet.

All of my stories share a common cannon that splits after season 2. The official stories of The Pillars of Equestria exist but the reality is much different.

This is one of the 50 or so stories that has been kicking around on my hard drive for a while. I had to curtail it significantly to meet the word count of the Pillars Shipping contest and will add a few chapters once the contest is over. This expands greatly, and makes some minor retcons to Hunter and Prey.

Once again, my deepest thanks go to Awalex for providing the artwork. Check out his page for some amazing stuff.

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash was not a pony built for emotional talks, long train rides, and deep conversations. She often considered herself to be the exact opposite of those things.

While in the company of three very different ponies, Rainbow begins to wonder what she's meant to do when the situation calls for anyone but her.

CW: the death tag is for a character dying of cancer. No physical on-screen death occurs in the story. This story could be rated E however needs a T rating to get the death tag.

Entry for the Renaissance Contest. Preread by the ambidextrous and enigmatic SunlightRays, the vigilant and incomparable applejackofalltrades, and the ingenious and ineffable wishcometrue. Cover art by the glorious and confluent Mushroom.

Chapters (2)

Celestia and Luna are old, everypony knows that. Incomprehensibly so. But even alicorns must have a beginning. They are the Sisters, and this is their story.

How they came to Equus. How they lost and found one another, over and over again. And how they united ponykind for the first time to fight back against the cruel magics twisting the land.

Third place winner in the Renaissance contest. Focusing on the changes in Celestia and Luna's unspeakably long lives, in which the only constant is each other.

Chapters (6)

A changeling with amnesia finds himself in the midst of an uncertain world. With only a few ponies to accompany him, he must find a way to get to safety, all the while retracing the flickers of his troubled past.

Additional tag(s): Dark

Credit to misterguest and Mix-up for editing/prereading this story. Additional credits to cinos0 and P3nc1ls for their own editing/prereading work, as well as Mix-up once again for the cover art.

Featured on 03/18/2020.

Chapters (7)

Spike has survived the strain of daily life to find himself empty inside. Proven a worker, a friend, and a proper dragon—that search for 'something' never ends. Finally, on being led by a feeling, he winds up before Princess Celestia without a reason.

Comission for CategoricalGrant!

Want a story for yourself? Then check out my commissions page!

Chapters (1)

When the city of Vanhoover rebels against the Crown, threatening to ignite civil war and tear Equestria apart, it is up to the Princess of the Day to step forth and to do what is necessary to ensure that, no matter what, the Sun shines bright upon Equestria.

And she must do it alone.

First Place Winner of the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest!

Featured for Equestria Daily's Celestia Day!

Recommended by TCC56!

A standalone piece in the Spectrum-verse. TV Tropes page here!

Based off an idea by SockPuppet.

Edited by VoxAdam, proofread by Bicyclette, SockPuppet, Raleigh, skysayl, and TheIdiot. Thanks, everyone :twilightsmile:

Cover by Plainoasis.

Featured from 28/06/2021-2/7/2021, reaching #1 three hours after publishing!

Chapters (4)

Following a review of her Royal Guards, Celestia decides that some changes are in order.

Afterall, the castle could always use more cleaning staff...

Inspired by the series of images by Skitterpone.

Chapters (7)