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Twilight finds a dusty old book full of puns and begins to use them, much to the dismay of her friends, considering her puns are slowing down their travels and they need to be PUNCTUAL.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie learns a new word that starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'. No, it's not firetruck.

How will she use this new word? Let's find out.

Chapters (1)

Each of the chapters of this fic is an independent story featuring one of the Mane Six having an encounter with the supernatural. They are presented as one story because of their common theme. The stories are:

Fluttershy: The Curse of the Night When Angel falls sick, Fluttershy ventures into the Everfree Forest at night to find a remedy. Though she faces danger, she escapes... but not unchanged.
Rarity: Blood and Water You know the story. Rarity gets seduced by a creature of the night, and her friends don't realize what's happening until it's too late. They find the vampire who turned her and destroy him. But then what happens?
Rainbow Dash: The Big Battle Discord's defeat didn't erase every trace of his influence on Equestria. Fortunately, hard-working ponies are already gathering the remnants of his power into Manehattan for easy disposal. What could possibly go wrong?
Pinkie Pie: Gallows Humor Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's premiere prankster, is dead. So why haven't the pranks stopped?
Applejack: One of the Herd Applejack may be in charge of Ponyville's biggest farming community, but that doesn't mean she can't take a break now and then. Besides, tonight's meteor shower should be even better than last night's...
Twilight Sparkle: The Case of Wild Clover the Warder It's a boring day in Canterlot, and Twilight Sparkle has time to kill. Maybe picking up an old lot of books will brighten her mood.

Feedback and error-spotting welcome!

Chapters (6)

When Rainbow Dash decides to pick up Scootaloo and hang out with her for birthday, she runs into something else. This incident leads Rainbow Dash to saving the filly.

Requested By: JourneyCatMLP

Inspired by the song: Metal Core Pony- Keep Faith

WARNING! Song contains screaming. If it's not your cup of tea, don't sip it. But if you're gonna try anyway, would you like a lump of sugar or two?

This is a sequel to: Keep Faith

I found a random image of Rainbow Dash and added my own little additions to it. I do not give or take credit for the image, nor, do I take any credit for the last image that I used for "Keep Faith."

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows Rainbow Dash is free game to be shipped with anyone and everyone, but what happens when she gets shipped with the concept of 'shipping' itself? It's a serious look at a parody-like concept.

Chapters (3)

Some days are tough, others are tougher. For Scootaloo, this is a tougher day. Sticks and stones can break bones, but words always kill me. Especially, when they make you feel worthless and pathetic. Once her favorite idol hears about this, Rainbow Dash is determined to help her out.

You'll be okay, I promise.

Inspired by a song called "Keep Faith." WARNING! The song contains screaming. So if it's not your cup of tea, don't try it. But if you wanna give it a try anyway, don't say I didn't warn ya.

I randomly found the image on the internet and added my own little additions to it. I do not take credit for it. At all. But here's the link that was kindly given to me for this artist: Where's that bloody link. It's gotta be somewhere. I just wonder where it is. Oh wait! There it is!

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash is known to be a fearless pony. But, her bravery is put to the test when she has to get that one thing that she really doesn't want: a vaccine.

Chapters (1)

Fed up with the way the political elite are handling the ruling of Equestria, Trixie decides that it's time for a change of pace. She decides it's time to overthrow Celestia.

Celestia decides it's time to have a little fun.

You guys can thank Razgriz (and the latest Seattle's Angels post) for this one.

Chapters (1)

Ever since the Sisterhooves Social, Sweetie Belle and Rarity's relationship has improved drastically. There are still days when Rarity is a bit busy, of course, and certain times when Sweetie doesn't quite get the hint.

During one particularly stressful day, Sweetie Belle gets into Rarity's makeup. Rarity demands an explanation. The answer isn't quite as simple as one sister playing dress-up.

Thanks to my good friend Loopy Legend for the prompt and link to the coverart.

Thanks to Holo, Sir Rustbucket, Loopy Legend, Sage Runner, ValorlordV5, and Midnight Legend for editing.

Now with a YouTube reading by Arwhale. Show him some love!

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated Everyone.

Chapters (1)

Dreams are such delicate things, and Scootaloo’s are more fragile than most.

But in Equestria, dreams are protected. Sometimes a filly just needs a helping hoof to learn how to hope again.

Edited by Knight of Cerebus

Cover art by Joemasterpencil. Go check him out!

This story has a reading! Slightly older version of the story, but the reading is very well done. It can be found here.

Chapters (1)