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Set after "The Temp", though it's not required reading.

Derpy can't deliver mail for a while and tries to take up farming.

Credits to Bronzedragon for the idea

Chapters (1)

As the trio known throughout Ponyville as the Cutie Mark Crusaders discuss there next meeting at Sugarcube corner an argument takes place, which is better, the cupcakes made by Pinkie Pie? or the muffins made from the recipies invented by the mysterious 'muffin mare' of ponyville?

As cries of "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS MUFFIN MARE FINDERS YAY!" explode through the streets, everypony knows that comedy, failed plans and more tree sap are abound in the CMC's latest adventure.

Cover by Pinkamena666

Chapters (4)

Another beautiful day in Ponyville and Derpy decides to start the day off right with some breakfast. Just a little story something short and sweet.

Art Work:
'Dinky and Derpy' by loomx

Chapters (1)

Dinky wants to go playing with her new friend, but it falls heavily on her mother. Derpy has always been her first and foremost playmate, but now that's changing.

Chapters (1)

Derpy Hooves, famous mailmare, klutz, muffin-lover, and caring mother to Dinky Hooves.

Dinky is almost thirteen, and has been suffering from bullies telling her Derpy doesn't love her anymore. Sometimes we just need to sit down with those we love to show them we really care.

Chapters (2)

A short Slice of Life fic in which two little fillies get ready for school with the help of their mother.
EDIT: I'm fixing all spelling errors. This is it for the edit.

Chapters (1)

Derpy is one of the best mailmares in Equestria. To keep her beloved Dinky safe, and the muffins supplied, she takes odd jobs in every corner of the country, making her an uncommon but not surprising sight anywhere in the world.

Celestia is the royal alicorn of the Sun, the Lady of Light, the Eye of Radiance. She stands alone as the most powerful and most respected member of nobility, although her general day to day activities keep her far distant from any limelight.

Dinky loves her mother completely. And she thinks Time Turner is a nice enough colt, even if he does leave all the time in that funny box of his. But Dinky knows that her mother could really use a special somepony of her own.

And wouldn't it be awesome if she could have a little brother or something to teach how to do magic? (That's how that works, right? When two ponies are special someponies?)

This will take all her cunning, daring, and the most politeness ever. And maybe some muffins.
(Random Romance Mar2014)

Chapters (7)

Every child has a moment when they must come face to face with fear. It is a moment predicated in growth and exemplifying growing up. It is a moment that can define a childhood, for good or ill.

For Dinky Hooves, that moment has come.

Winning entry of the January 2013 Writeoff, "The First Time".

A standalone story of the Whiskverse!

Approved by Twilight's Library!

Now in Chinese! (Google translated and read by me!)

Chapters (1)