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It's been nearly a year since Twilight Sparkle entered the newest phase of her adulthood: princessdom. And with that change come a lot of other changes, big and small.

However, there is one thing that hasn't changed: her bedtime.

When Twilight's foreign-born mother, Twilight Velvet, comes to visit, all Tartarus breaks loose in the Sparkle household after Twilight comes home late from a party. Unfortunately for everypony involved, neither mare is backing down--at least, not without a few good shouting matches.

Story edited by John Perry, Roger Dodger, and Nick Nack (they are all beautiful men deserving of your love).
Picture edited by me. Twilight Velvet vector by TrueDesknight. Twilight Sparkle vector by Flutterflyraptor. Library background by Martinnus1 (they are all beautiful peoples deserving of your love).

Comments are always, ALWAYS appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash basically falls in love with a watermelon, that's about it. But it is incredibly funny if you care to read.

This is a parody on how Rainbow Dash is the center of every shipping chart, and she's been paired with everything but the kitchen sink (and even NOW has been paired with a kitchen sink), and I decided, "Why the hay not?"

If the definition of clop is the typing of sex or genitalia, then this is NOT clop. However, she does have some PG-14-rated fun with that watermelon.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was just cruising through life, one cupcake at a time. However, after a freak encounter in the kitchens of Sugarcube Corner, the pegasus finds herself faced with something she's never encountered before: love.

However, this is not your average love story. For you see, the object of her affection isn't some handsome stallion with a windswept mane and gorgeous abs. No; her love is a sink.

Now, Rainbow must face the challenges that come with love, all while learning to deal with strange urges, teething children, and dresses.

This fic is also available in French and Italian! Thanks to Bro-Nie and FiMvisible, respectively, for their hard work.

A big thanks to Golden Vision and Pav Feira, my editors! This fic would be even worse without them!

Chapters (1)

On behalf of the Canterlot University of Electrical Engineering, Princess Celestia sends her star pupil a mysterious contraption she wants her to take for "beta testing".

A mysterious, new invention dubbed the "Xbox 360".

Shenanigans and hilarity will ensue.

Link to TVTropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheElementsOfGaming
Link to story on EqD: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/07/story-elements-of-gaming.html

Chapters (12)

Rarity has a new coltfriend, and she couldn't be happier, but she isn't sure what to do if their next date proves more... intimate than the last. She seeks guidance from all of her friends, but the best advice comes from a most unexpected source.

Chapters (1)

(Warning to new readers, the comments are chock full of spoilers.)

Contribute to the TVTropes Page!

Rainbow Dash's dad, Blue Streak, has been lonely and sad ever since Firefly passed away. Rainbow has tried her best to cheer him up, but to no avail. On her latest visit, she finds out that her dad has been seeing someone and is now happier than ever. She couldn't be happier for him, until she found out who it was.

Editing and idea provided by: Bronystories.
Writing (mostly) done by me. Special thanks to him for being awesome.

Chapters (10)

When one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders gets her cutie mark, jealousy threatens to tear their friendship apart. How will the crusaders get past this new obstacle?

Credit goes to Thorbhaal on Deviantart for the cover pic.

Chapters (1)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

Twilight has a bit of a problem. You see, she always does Princess Celestia's bidding, regardless of how ridiculous the task or insane the request. Now, it'd be just a shame if someone were to abuse this knowledge to their own malicious ends. The only question is, how far will they go?

Thanks to my amazing editor Maskedferret for all the help!

Chapters (1)