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A teacher helps her student shop for Hearthswarming. They begin talking, and find that one of them needed it for a long time.

This was written for Pascoite as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

They asked for a story with Cheerilee and Silver Spoon. I... May not have interpreted this entirely as their initial expectations, but I hope this holds up, especially for such a draftless product. Thank you!

Chapters (1)

Gallus is confident he doesn't have to open up to Silverstream. There's no need to tell her why he went out into the freezing cold in the middle of the night. Hopefully, she won't ask too many questions and he'll be able to move on as if the whole thing never happened.

Content warning: This story is about depression.

This was written for The Blue EM2 as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, check out our group!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has to spend Hearthswarming injured and full of self doubt, while Applejack is there to lend her some help, and a warm mug of cider to comfort her.

Thanks to Nailah for her lovely audio reading!

Chapters (1)

Hearthswarming, the time of year when ponies all about Equestria come together, both family and friends, to kindle the love in their hearts and share gifts that speak more volume than words. By now, most were in their homes, or in the guest rooms of far away relatives, staying comfy and warm while the outside billowed and snowed, blanketing the landscape with a layer of white which twinkled under Luna’s bright moon.

However, not all ponies knew better, and for three close friends and lovers, this Hearthswarming Eve would prove to be a challenging night.


This was written for AndwhatIseeisme, for JingleMas 2020! They requested Starlight and Trixie shipping, and naturally I had to stalk them to see what they read and wrote. Once I caught my breath and put my pants back on, I noticed their love for a three way shipping of StarTrixBurst, so I rolled the dice and took the gamble and included him too. I hope you enjoy it!

Cover art is by soft-arthropod, who is sadly not active anymore (or at least on Derpi), used without permission so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me.

Edited by the ever wonderful Aurora Dawn, thanks man I owe ya a bunch.

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming is just around the corner, which for Quibble Pants presents a bit of a dilemma. It's his first Hearth's Warming with his new family and he's desperate to find a good present for Wind Sprint.

Once again he decides to call on the help of his friend Rainbow Dash, this time paying her a visit in Ponyville in the hopes she'll be able to help him out. And lucky for him, his friend has some time to spare.

Can Rainbow Dash point Quibble in the right direction again? Or this a dilemma that Quibble will have to figure out on his own?

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst are new parents. They are also immensely powerful unicorns with a penchant for going overboard. These things don't mix very well.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the next of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here

Chapters (1)

Dreams are supposed to be quiet, comforting islands of rest. Unfortunately for Moondancer, her island is looking more like a huckster's den. Who is behind this insidious intrusion into her slumber?

Chapters (1)

Starlight says she's pregnant, and that she wants to keep it.

And in no way does Sunburst consider himself ready to be a dad. Or so he thinks.

Having a baby is an amazing tool for persuasion, and an effective way to drag them both, kicking and screaming, from their world of self-absorption and to think about some pony else for a change.

Written for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting PANIC! FICTION! with "Reunion" as the prompt. Edited to reach the word count.

Chapters (1)

Pretending is fun. It has never gotten Sweetie Belle into trouble before, and it is highly unlikely that it will get her into trouble now. So, Sweetie Belle, at the urging of her friends, pretends that the floor is lava. It doesn't turn out well.

Chapters (1)

Bon Bon Sweetie Drops finally came clean and told Lyra the truth about her past. She had to explain why a bugbear destroyed their house somehow. Needless to say, it's not Bon Bon's proudest moment. But it's those moments when friends are the most valuable.

Written for the Writeoff's "Through a Mirror, Brightly" prompt.

Chapters (1)