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Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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After hearing from Sunset about the Anon-A-Miss scandal at Canterlot High, Twilight decides to set things straight. Right after she gives her friends an earful on how stupid they are.

A parody of everyone's favorite Equestria Girls comic story, because it seems to be the only one we like.

Chapters (1)

After many years of Twilight being on the throne and leading Equestria, Spike has been no stranger to celebrating Hearth's Warming. However, this year Hearth's Warming feels different for him. As he contemplates what exactly is different, Shining Armor listens. And gives him the answer to his question.

This was a Breezie Story written for Jake The Army Guy as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)

On her way to the animal shelter, Fluttershy finds herself in the middle of a rainstorm with barely any shelter and no means to call for help. But then a miracle comes in the form of an old classmate from school. A rainbow-haired girl who not only lends a hand, but willingly makes an offer the shy girl can't refuse.

Edited by Dramamaster829

Chapters (1)

It's Hearth's Warming in Equestria, and Smoulder is looking forward to returning home to the Dragonlands for the Feast of Fire. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond her control delay her departure, which annoys her greatly as all her other friends have left.

Hey, at least there's another dragon in Ponyville with whom she can hang out.

Written as part of Jinglemas 2020 for TheAncientPolitzanian. For more details about Jinglemas, click here..

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is forced to confront the things that she locked away in the recesses of her memory, and her friends are the only ones that can save Rainbow from herself.

Cover image is from Peanuts. I do not have any connection with Charles Schultz.

Chapters (6)

Fluttershy loses somepony close to her heart, as Dash gets a view from her soft spoken friend she did not expect.

We all must face a dark day, how we act truly defines who we are.

This Story Is A Gift For Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever. She Lost An Animal Friend Lately And I Pray She Will Find Her Beauty Again.

Lovely Art By Timekept.

Made Popular On 1/19/18
Featured On 1/19/18

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash doesn't back down. She'll take you on anytime, anywhere. This works well for racing, but not so well when it comes to fighting. Sometimes she might bite off more than she can chew, but that's what friends are for.

Chapters (1)

Its been centuries since Twilight's friends passed and since then the alicorn has taken many students. The latest one of which is about to get to the bottom of a two hundred-year-old lie.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the first of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff!

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)

Celestia is enjoying her retirement. That is until she unexpectedly awakens to find she has turned into Daybreaker. Can she avoid getting sent on an involuntary thousand-year vacation?

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the third of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here.

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Luna enjoy a pleasant afternoon until Twilight brings up her love life, prompting Luna to realize what she's been missing out on since her return.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the second of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here.

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)