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When Princess Twilight Sparkle's crown gets stolen, she must follow Sunset Shimmer through the Crystal Mirror into a strange new world.

A world where everything and everyone is made of Lego.

With a little help from some familiar faces, Twilight will do whatever it takes to get her crown back. From an ordinary city, to the far reaches of outer space, to an enchanted land of castles, this team of minifigs will be in for an incredible adventure.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to LEGO Equestria Girls

In an alternate world where everything and everyone is made of Lego, a trio of banished sirens known as the Dazzlings discover the presence of Equestrian magic, and decide to use it to regain their lost power.

When a certain team of friends from Canterlot City find out about this, they call on Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria for help. Now, with the assistance of a reformed Sunset Shimmer, Twilight and her Lego friends will once again journey across various regions as they attempt to save the Lego World from falling under the spell of the sirens.

Chapters (19)

After Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf defeated Vortech peace has now return to Lego Worlds, but when their friend X-PO calling them saying that there's something wrong with the Portal. As they went to planet Vortron, they saw the Lego portal flickering in multicolor, as they went close the energy from the portal exploded making the keystones fall from their places as they got suck in. Now Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf will join forces once again to get the keystones before they fall to the wrong hands. Along the way they will have new bodies and make new friends, will they succeed? Find out.

P. S. They will turn into teeenagers


Chapters (3)

Two news kids. The Shiverribas, Ralph and Aiden Shiverriba move to Canterlot High. The Rainbooms notice Ralph is hiding something. But what? They soon discover that there is a reason Ralph is strange. He writes books, not just ordinary books. Horror books! That's not even the weirdest part, the books are actually a prison for all his monsters. Trapped.

When the Rainbooms accidentally release them all. The Shiverribas and Rainbooms must work together to get all the monsters back in their books, before the town is overwhelmed and destroyed by monsters.

Reader beware, your in for a scare

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Dresden Gets Schooled

Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden's life has been even stranger than usual ever since he first got involved with Equestria. However, after his last adventure sent him to some strange high school dimension, things have finally settled down into something approaching normalcy. Or at least as normal as Harry's life ever gets. His new apprentice Sunset Shimmer is proving to be quite a handful, but Harry has experience with handling headstrong young women.

However, things take a turn for the worse when he learns that a new threat from Equestria has made its way to Earth. And naturally it's up to him to stop the Sirens before they rock the world's foundations.

Cover art by Pon3Splash

Chapters (6)

Strange things are happening around Canterlot High. So what else is new? A mysterious armor-clad figure protecting citizens from invisible monsters, that's what's new.
When rumors begin spreading that this nighttime warrior may be nothing more than a hoax, the HuMane 5 and Sunset Shimmer begin an investigation into the vigilante, but quickly uncover something far bigger than they had expected. Monsters from another universe are invading, reaching out from behind the mirrors…but through the darkness shines a helpful light. Is there a part for these six friends to play in this struggle against an unknown enemy attempting to conquer multiple worlds?

When you look in the mirror, what other than your reflection might be looking back?

(Kamen Rider Dragon Knight reaches into the Equestria Girls world.)
(Select Rider and attack names and powers suggested by MythrilMoth and KR Chrome.)
(This story is most conveniently read on Indented view instead of Double Spaced.)

Catch the non-canon spin-off: Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider EqG & Decade

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Scootagrow

Another commission for benzema2912, this time involving Applebloom who's tired of being called a little pony by AJ. She's show her, though, she found a formula in one of the books in Twilight's Castle that tells her how to make a wishing stone. Mind, she doesn't have all the right ingredients, but a few substitutions wouldn't hurt, right?
(Story features Applebloom growing, and growing, and growing.)

Chapters (1)

So, me and my friends decided to plan to go to a convention. We wanted an awesome costume for each of us. We luckily found a decent price for some extremely good and we'll made Nightmare Animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's 4. Then, when we put the things on, we get sent to Equestria. Problem is, we are practically ghosts here, and can only speak to others in their dreams. Oh,and our minds are slowly being driven insane by our new bodies.

(A Displaced story. If you dislike, then go away.)

Chapters (10)

The Apple family has always been happy. Hardworking. Nothing goes wrong in their lives. But here, you dive deep inside a diary of a young Apple mare by the name of Applejack. Her life began humble, and she grew into a hardworking mare. But no one knows why she is. How she came to be such a hard worker. There are times that AJ would rather forget. Could her parents have died? Gone missing? Why is Big Mac so shy? Questions like these are only answered in The Truth: A Diary of a Young Mare

*Note* This has nothing to do with Anne Frank: A Diary of a Young Girl. I just like the title, so I used a little wordplay. Just thought you should know.

Chapters (2)

It was over. The Dazzlings were defeated in the Battle Of The Bands by the Sonic Rainbooms. The necklaces shattered, shattering their lives. Their self-concept was also shattered. Their music career was over. They thought they would never sing again.

Suddenly, Twilight Sparkle returns to the Equestria Girls universe to meet up with Sunset Shimmer. Both noticing the Dazzlings have changed, they offer them a deal. A deal to go back to Equestia to start over. To get their necklaces repaired and drained of their evil magic. To become ponies again. A second chance.

Upon returning to Equestria, the Dazzlings meet a pony named Sapphire Shores. She also loved to sing. Will she help these ponies truly redeem themselves and get them back to singing again?

Chapters (10)