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Eight months after the events of Equestria Girls 2: Rainbow Rocks, a new threat arises that not only threatens Equestria, but also every other dimension in existence - and it's Twilight Sparkle! Twilight has faced many threats to the safety of Equestria over the years - but can she face down herself? And what part does Human Twilight play in all this?

Chapters (17)

Twilight's in some pretty deep trouble. It's bad enough that she put on a lot of weight, really let her mane go, and seems to have picked up a bad habit of chewing on anything. No, that really doesn't compare with the claws that have replaced her hooves, the fact that she can stand up to about 25 meters tall, breathes fire, and had an involuntary species reassignment spell cast on her.

Mostly thanks to Trixie, looking for means to prove herself the more powerful of the two, they've both found their ponyhood lacking due to a transformation into dragons by the Bag of Tirek. Worse yet, Trixie has fallen to his corrupting influence, and become his new lieutenant in the world, preparing to release him from his adamantium tomb.

Now, it is up to Twilight and her friends, and anypony else they can drag kicking and screaming into the fight to catch Trixie and save her from her from the taint that has corrupted her, and that threatens to corrupt the world. A tall order, to be sure; but when the odds becomes so great, the fight needs to go big, lest ponykind go extinct.

Chapters (5)

One Hearts and Hooves day, Rarity is helping Twilight test a new transformation spell that ends up with her becoming a giant dragon. After being chased away by the frightened citizens of Ponyville, Rarity flees to the mountains. Spike then has to set out on a journey in order to save the girl of his dreams.

Art by WillisNintey-Six on deviantart

EDIT: I went back into the story and fixed a bit of proof reading errors and I touched on some of the issues with dialogue that Macho Madness brought up. Overall the story is the same but some of the character interactions are a bit different if you want to check it out. Also, for some reason, and only Macho seemed to notice, the indentation is really weird and for some reason I can't fix.

Chapters (1)

After a mishap with the ghost portal, Danny Fenton finds himself stuck in the strange world of Equestria. The worst part? He's got enemies here, too.

Part 2 onwards will be written with the help of MissytheAngle!

Part 1 going through re-edits by Curify. This dude is awesome, I seriously can't say enough about his greatness as both an editor and a friend. Thanks, man.

Chapters (12)

The final battle between Sora and Xehanort was a failure. Sora is on his last legs and his friends have all been captured. When he refuses to help Xehanort, he is sent into darkness. What he finds on the other side surprises him above all else.

Keyblade images provided by Xelim on deviantart. Here is the link to his profile page.
The keyblades can be found in his gallery under the 'keyblades' section on the left panel.

Also, feedback is always appreciated, especially if it's constructive criticism. If you leave a downvote, please tell me what I screwed up on so I can fix it. :pinkiesmile:

EDIT: Holy crap! Featured?! Thank you so much guys! (1/14/15)

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Wizard and the Lonely Princess

Book Two of the Lonelyverse

Having returned to the Dursleys after a highly eventful first year at Hogwarts, Harry and the alicorns had been looking forward to unwinding. As it turned out, all their hopes were for nought. Between summer shenanigans, a crazy house elf, and learning Potter family history, they've got a full summer ahead of themselves. And when they get back to Hogwarts, they'll have to deal with giant snakes, idiotic teachers, and a gathering darkness. With things going off the rails, they've got a long year ahead of them.

And if they survive that, they still got to deal with the strange power surges and dreams that both Luna and Nim have been having since soon after the Summer Solstice...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters (5)

After getting warped to Equestria by Twilight (due to her being the Element of Magic), a certain boy wizard faces the great challenge of not only finding a way back, but teaching a very hard spell to someone who never used it before (The 2nd Wizarding War is over, but Harry's not going back to Hogwarts)

Chapters (3)

NOTICE: I feel I need to say this to avoid confusion the only ponies turned human are Sunset and the Dazzlings all other charcters are the human world version of them and have neither the memories or experience of their pony counter parts. The Twiligt in this story was the Twilight that at the end of Rainbow rocks in glasses. Not the princess pony one. Thank you for your time.

Having finished high school at Canterlot high Sunset goes to College with the human Twilight. While Twilight studies mostly established fields of science, Sunset focuses on the paranormal after hearing of the heroics of the Ghostbusters in New York. Shortly after they finish their studies, and return to Canterlot, they get wind of numerous unexplained and ghostly events. After getting the gang together Twi and Sunny head out on a road trip in Vinyl and Pinkie's failed party bus to ask the Ghostbusters to investigate. Due to having just finished dealing with the events of the games the Ghostbusters offer the girls the option of franchising rather then just a simple investigation trip. So they help them set up the bus as Ecto-16 and set up in Canterlot.

Now the new Ghostbusters of Canterlot must take on a rising hoard of ghosts. Join Adgio Dazzle the team leader, Aria Blaze the badass, Sonata Dusk the slime exorcist, Rainbow Dash the driver and awesomest of all, Applejack the mechanic, Sunset Shimmer the field expert, and Twilight Sparkle the labtech, secretary, bookkeeper and boss. As they face of with demonic power of the Nightmare Moon and her legions of the dead!

Joint project of myself and Bryan Luna

Chapters (9)

The Doctor winds up on a far off planet inhabited by pony-like creatures. The planet seems peaceful enough, but strange things keep appearing and disappearing, and he decides to take a deeper look into this subject. Things don't go entirely as planned, though, when he comes across someone very familiar.

Chapters (4)

Earth has been conquered and for hundreds of years humanity has been under the hooves of giant ponies, its once great countries and empires reduced to mere vassals, required regularly to give their citizens to the ponies. Melissa, age 14, and Joshua, age 11, are taken from their parents to magical land called Equestria where humans are treated at best as little servants, or pets to be taken care of, at worst as disposable toys.

Pre-reader: SomeRandomMinion

Chapters (10)