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Scootaloo overhears Twilight talking about a time travel machine. She breaks into the library and travels back in time to meet her hero, Rainbow Dash, as a filly. It would have been the perfect plan if Dash had been anything like she expected.

Story prompt/Requested by: TheDarkPrep
Edited by: Selbi, Abcron
Part of my one-shot week.

Chapters (1)

It has been ten years since Tirek was defeated, and now the Cutie Mark Crusaders are all grown up. Sweetie Belle has a foal named Emerald. Apple Bloom is engaged. And at the same time, Scootaloo is waiting for her response from the Wonderbolt Academy. Want to know more? Stay tuned!

Thanks to xStellar_Bubbles for the artwork!
And thanks to FelineFluff for editing AND big shoutout to her as well for writing the first, third, and fifth chapter.
This is going to be a thing where I write all of the even numbered chapters and she writes all of the odd numbered chapters. We hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (7)

Crossover with the Dresden Files. Sequel to Forever!

For his first task as the new Winter Knight, Harry must travel to the land of cute little cartoon ponies to stop a plot by the Order of Blackened Denarius that threatens both Earth and Equestria.

Warning: Includes massive spoilers for the Dresden Files series up through Ghost Story.

Chapters (27)

Crossover with The Dresden Files.

Pinkie Pie randomly shows up at the apartment of one Harry Dresden, Wizard-for-hire. And then she does ... whatever it is that Pinkie Pie always does. Madness ensues as Equestria's craziest Party Pony inflicts herself on everyone's favorite cynical smartass of a wizard.

My Little Denarians is the sequel to this story.

This fic now has a dramatic reading courtesy of Comma Kazie and Lisa M.

Part 1
Part 2

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Denarians

A year has passed since Harry Dresden, wizard-for-hire and Winter Knight, rescued Equestria and the Elements of Harmony from the clutch of the Denarians. Why wouldn't he jump at the chance to return to Equestria to visit his (very) colorful friends in a totally peaceful and uneventful vacation?

Because he's Harry Dresden, and life rarely lets things go so smoothly for him, when it's not killing him to death. And when things go wrong this time, Harry finds himself in a realm far, far more terrifying than Arctis Tor, Discord's realm, or the Outside:

High school.

Follow-up to "My Little Denarians."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Camping is Just Dazzling

As magic slowly makes its way to the Human World, many strange anomalies began appearing. When Dapplewood suddenly disappears into a portal near the Natural History Museum, a stranger who goes by the name Thud takes his place.

Dapplewood himself, trapped in a world ruled by sapient dinosaurs, finds that friends come in all forms.

But the question remains: can a leopard, er Fast Biter, change his stripes or forever stay in his true nature.

Occurs in the Old (After A Second Homecoming) and New (After Camping is Just Dazzling) Timelines (the former ending here) sometime between the Friendship Games shorts and Friendship Games itself.

Size Chart included.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Wars Episode XI: Attack of the Vines

After the Battle of the Bands, the Human Twilight Sparkle attempted to research the statue at Canterlot High and discovered the portal, but was caught by Sunset Shimmer and successfully escaped. With the Friendship Games on the way, Sunset calls Charming Thunder and Danny to help her find the source of why their friends pony up randomly.

A story between Episodes XI and XII.

Reminder: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Friendship Games belongs to Hasbro

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to It Came from the Mysterious Beyond

Akin to the shorts released on Youtube (and later on DVD) before and after "Rainbow Rocks" and "The Friendship Games", the following short stories involve the characters from The Land Before Time interacting in the Equestria Girls Universe, learning from each other in the process.

Takes place in the New Timeline after "It Came from the Mysterious Beyond" and may overlap or even occur after "Friendship Games."

Chapters (6)

This story is my prediction on what would happen if Aria Blaze really WAS Starlight Glimmer. What if she was the one who made everypony equal? Well this story might answer your question :raritystarry:! This story also features two of my OCs named Aurora Moonlight and Periwinkle Moonstone. I know what you're thinking, 'Aria isn't Starlight! Blah blah blah!', but what if she REALLY was? Just a little something I wanted to make. So PLEASE don't hate me! :fluttercry:

So I hope you all enjoy this fanfiction! :yay:

Chapters (4)

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the world of Canterlot High along with the seven Chaos Emeralds by the Master Emerald after hearing of a prophecy about the fate of worlds. They will have to go through school again if they are to regain the seven Chaos Emeralds and saved the worlds from the eternal darkness, for the emeralds have been claimed by some of the students of Canterlot High.

Chapters (21)