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    Created by foxpaw
    - October, 2014
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**Placed on hiatus for the foreseeable future. The story will be finished, but my writing effort has been redirected back to my main story. It is very likely that this story shall remain on hiatus until my other one is complete.**

The third world war engulfed the world in a nuclear holocaust. Very few survived, and those that did only cared about their survival. The remains of the U.S. military resurfaced and restored order to the American wasteland. While rebuilding their shattered world, the ponies appeared from their destroyed dimension. The two races met and formed a peaceful relationship based on cooperation. Peace and prosperity came as the two species worked together to restore order and purify the planet.

However, not all ponies viewed the humans as valuable partners. Celestia saw them as an evil, warmongering blight on this world. They had destroyed their world and almost themselves. She reasoned that true peace was impossible, as the human lust for war could not be suppressed forever. Setting her plans into motion, she declared war and launched a human genocide. The vastly outnumbered American people and military made what may be mankind’s final stand.

Have the great warmongers finally met their match?

Chapters (3)

When Luna and Twilight discover the Forward Unto Dawn, they wonder what this could possibly bring to the peaceful land of Equestria. They have no idea what could possibly be on this odd object racing to the ground.
When Cortana awakens Master Chief from his slumber, she warns that the Dawn is falling to the surface of an unknown planet. Chief must find a way to get to the ground safely and survive in this new, oddly colored place.

This the beginning of my first fanfiction. It will be a continuing story until I decide to stop. I hope everyone will be supportive and encouraging as I write this story for all you guys.

Chapters (14)

Ulquiorra Schiffer, Cuatro Espada of the Arrancar has awoken in a strange, unknown forest. After wandering around and talking to an unusually good looking sea serpent, he discovers this world is populated with talking, multi coloured ponies.

Another Bleach crossover fic

Character list will be updated when new chapters are written

Rated teen for adult themes and violence

Chapters (9)

While he has returned from being absorbed into Unit-01, Shinji finds himself in an odd situation. Now, in a body that looks nothing like a human's and with a snarky roommate in his head, he has to deal with new powers and abilities while those around him shift.

And he thought that fighting Angels was weird...

Chapters (11)

Featured on May 14, 2013. And again on November 29, 2014 more times than I can count thanks to you guys.

Now with our own TVtropes page! Help us catalog the awesomeness.

Holy crap we've got a trailer too!

MLP:FIM is the property of Lauren Faust
Bleach is the property of Tite Kubo

Plot aspects for chapter thirty six onward contributed and improved by Ketvirtas and Alondro
Chapters 0-88 proofread by xbox432
Chapters 89-onward proofread by LyonAzakura
Partially inspired by Dirty Bit's story Cuatro
Further inspired by Christopher28's story A Different Viewpoint of Equestria
Further inspired by Trinary story Friendship is Empathy
Random plot elements inspired by SwimmingDalek98 and Phoenix Archangel
Story structure and pacing inspired by Tite Kubo

Ulquiorra Cifer was defeated at the hands of a mere human and died in Las Noches. Or at least that's what he thought. In the boundary that separates life and death for all Hollows, he's found by one that finds him interesting enough to give a second chance at life free from Aizen's control, and free to do as he pleases; he was just never told that his second chance of life would take him to an alternate world he never could've imagined even if he tried.

The land of Equestria is a magical place full of hope, and second chances. In this land where friendship is considered the most powerful magic in existence, can the Cuatro Espada find something that's been missing and learn how to live? Or will his presence be the downfall of the peaceful world and all of its inhabitants?

Chapters (155)

When Dialga and Palkia start to attack one another in Alamos Town, a Ponyta named Flare Blitz is caught in the crossfire. After falling into the dimensional rift, he finds himself in a strange new land filled with brightly coloured ponies. Flare doesn't know how he got here or if he can even get back home...

The question is, will he even want to go home?

Edit: So I finally got offa mah flank and started the re-write. I want to give massive props to Blazinblade7 for editing as well as my little bro, who is teaching me a great deal of authory stuff.

You can find the TV Tropes page here!

Chapters (14)

Air, Water, Earth, Fire...

Long ago humanity used the power of the Elements of the World to build the greatest kingdom in history. Their wisdom and power were legendary, but at the hight of their power, they vanished.

Millennia have passed and one human has returned to the World. Discovered and befriended by the Elements of Harmony, he is but the first of many. It is up to him to make the first steps towards understanding this new world of magic, and humanity's place in it.

Author's note: This Fiction includes elements from the cartoon Avatar: the Last Airbender. Avatar was created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, produced and owned by Nickelodeon, and has a talented team of animators, writers, and producers hard at work on a sequel series.

Big thanks to the teams at both Nickelodeon and Hasbro for providing me with the inspiration for this story and entertaining families the world over. Rock on guys.

Chapters (14)

Equestria didn't know what to expect. The Griffin nation had grown tired of politics. They wanted land and they wanted it yesterday. The Diamond Dogs were tired of being cut off from the prosperous wealth Equestria had to provide. Even a few ambitious dragons felt they wanted in on the action. With enemies on all sides and the arrival of war becoming inevitable, Princess Celestia decided she needed to use the elements of harmony to summon a hero.
They got me, and boy are they in for it.

Note: This is my first story ever. So I would really appreciate constructive criticism on both story and grammar.

Chapters (2)

Warning!: All characters are human!
Partial tags: [Crossover] Reason: This takes elements from the game: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
[Dark] Reason: It has some moments were "reality" kicks in, so to speak
Waking up on a clearing is a surprising thing, considering the fact I should be dead. I've been overwhelmed with diseases and died a slow death, leaving my family and friend behind. Now I must start off again in the land of Equestria. However i believe there must be another reason why I came here. But that's a bit cliche don't you think? Sometimes fate can be a lovely lady...Or a Sadistic Bastard.

Maybe both?
The beginning is based on a true life event I had back in November 2013, although i did not die from these diseases, I was almost killed by the septic shock, the entire incident left me in a sour shape for about a month... I'm fine now and i decided to write a story on what would happen if i were to die from the diseases and was sent to Equestria. Somewhat of a self-insert, only has the major events like the changeling invasion, the marriage, and the coronation, etc. Any other episodes will be replaced with this storyline. First real fan-fiction, second attempt. Constructive criticism is NEEDED!

Chapters (15)

The Green Lantern Corps. Protectors of The Universe, led by the ancient Guardians of Oa, these peacekeeping soldiers protect nearly every sector of the universe with one sole weapon: the Green Lantern Ring. But not all of the universe is under protection; there remain several patches of space unprotected by Guardian influence. In one of these Sovereign Systems rests a particular planet, Pax Harmonia, full of many creatures and governments; the most notable being the Kingdom of Equestria.

When a sole Guardian appears before the rulers of Equestria, Princesses Celestia & Luna, and asks for a favor from old acquaintences, the peaceful country will be forced to deal with the concequences of letting a creature out of myth twice fold live amongst them: not only a Green Lantern... but a human. A young, cocky human named Hal Jordan...

(Editing help is welcome [First MLP story & all], tags & rating MAY change depending on future directions)

Oh, yes. I own nothing.
My Little Pony, FiM are owned by Hasbro & Studio B.
Green Lantern & other related properties are owned by DC Comics & Time Warner
The cover art, while awesome, was not made by me. This piece was made by the very talented KrisJustice at Deviantart and can be favorited here: http://krisjustice.deviantart.com/art/Death-of-a-Green-Lantern-265021244
Cover art may be subject to change.

Chapters (8)