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Bored one evening, Discord suggests to Celestia that they spice things up by seeing who's best at doing the other's job: he'll handle keeping things harmonious, and she'll be there to throw a big ol' spoonful of chaos into the mix whenever she feels like it. To his surprise, she agrees to do it. He's certain he's got this one in the bag—after all, how hard can something as boring as harmony be?

He shouldn't have underestimated his opponent.

UPDATE: Featured 2-15-14!
For the Writer's Training Ground #007 down at Equestria Daily. Originally posted on my DA account, due to timing issues.
Cover Art and MLP:FiM in general © Hasbro/Lauren Faust

Chapters (1)

Noticing her Princess' plight, the kitchen mare helpfully offers some of Luna's "special brew" to jumpstart Celestia's day. Chaos ensues when an overly percolated princess can't handle her caffeine!

(Rated "Teen" for the single use of one naughty word.)

Daybreak's story is told here in Sometimes It Takes a Double Shot!

(Many thanks to CaptainBron3y for this live reading!)

Don't miss the unofficial sequel "A Princess Needs her Coffee", a lovely story by my wonderful friend Broman.

Chapters (1)

Before the Gauntlet of Fire, Celestia, Luna, and Dragon Lord Torch meet to discuss the future of their kingdoms – and how to ensure that the next Dragon Lord is exactly who they want it to be.

After all, if Princess Ember is to win, something has to be done about all those adult dragons seen in the dragon migration...

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

After countless failures, unkept promises, and horrendous public relations that have made changelings look like a swarm of mindless locusts, the Changeling Hivemind has fired Chrysalis as Their Queen. Now, They must choose a new queen, but in order to stop past mistakes from repeating, They decide to hold auditions and perform a thorough vetting of the candidates to find the best one.

Chapters (1)

Like ponies, changelings can get pretty paranoid at times. After all, it's not every day that a changeling gets kicked out of the hive for being a pony.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

When pursuing Starlight, Twilight and Spike experienced variances of Equestria, and saw how the river of time could have been different. Now, Starlight has moved in with Twilight, Nyx, and Spike and has begun her studies in friendship. To thank those who have helped her embrace friendship once more, Starlight has created an enchantment that allows the castle’s map table to let anyone glimpse other variances of reality.

The power to ask “what if,” can be a source of great amusement… but for some, the hypotheticals are haunting reminders of what could have been.

Chapters (6)

Beneath his black, chitinous exterior, cold blue eyes, and fang-toothed grin, Thorax holds a dark secret. He knows better than anyone that the best way to hide a changeling is with another changeling, but that's pointless, right? He's already a changeling.

Chapters (1)

In quite a few of my favorite stories on this site, I've seen that the 'plot/conspiracy to overthrow Celestia' pltline utilized, either as the primary threat or just something in the background. I decided to do my own take on it, taking a page out of "Winning, and the pitfalls therein" by RandomPC, found here

Chapters (1)

Arrested for multiple counts of discharging a firearm in Manehattan, Pinkie Pie has no idea what she did wrong. She thought that everypony loved her party cannon, and based off of the smiles of those around her, she didn't think twice about firing her cannon whenever and wherever she pleased.

Too bad the police think otherwise.

Preread by: Rated Ponystar, Cynewulf, Blaze_Sunfire, Diokno44, VampDash, and Ponysopher.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle suddenly finds herself caught up in a grand tradition for the immortal rulers of Equestria: holding their own funerals. What can possibly go wrong? The answer: a lot. A whole lot.

Sex tag is for only the mention of it happening. Nothing truly explicit happens.

A commission from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

Chapters (1)