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This story is a sequel to Why Ancient Rituals Don't Always Work

It's been almost eleven months since the event at the Ancient Mareyan Sun Temple. Ahuizota and Derring Do are settling into the life of a family, ready to raise their kid. There's still much for the young couple to learn, and it can only be taught with time.

They just cross fingers and feathers and hope they don't screw it up.

Title name by The Shade

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up on the edge of the Everfree Forest, with no memory of how she got there, or why she is now several months pregnant. The last thing she remembers is getting home to Ponyville after attending her brother's wedding. What happened? Why is she with foal? And why has Fluttershy's cottage been abandoned for some time?
This is my first MLP fic, and the first story I have posted online in many years. Its been bouncing around my head for several months now, and I've been wanting to write for much longer. I would like some feedback on my writing style, and if you have any ideas for where to take this tale, please share them with me.

Sequal: The Rogue Stallion

Chapters (13)

There is a bit of truth to every legend, though the ravages of time can bury it deeply. Myths and lore become twisted, melded, and torn the longer they are around. One of Equestria’s oldest legends is that of Nightmare Moon. It is the core of Nightmare Night and the excuse for children to go out asking for candy with a single, common rhyme.

Nightmare Night, what a fright. Give me something sweet to bite.

Chapters (1)

Oriole has a problem. She can't stop eating stallions.

Rarity has a problem. Her new friend can't stop eating stallions.

Twilight Sparkle has a problem. A stallion-eating monster has moved into her town.

Spike's just glad he's not a stallion.

Chapters (1)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a fact about alicorn reproduction she never expected.

So do the other princesses.

Editors: Pascoite

Image Credit: Twilight Sparkle Play Doh Eggs from Toy Kingdom (Honest! It surprised me a little too.)
Now on Equestria Daily. Those cruel, cruel people.
And a wonderful reading by Pony and Wolf Productions

Chapters (2)

When one's genetic template is overwritten, there tend to be... side effects. Most of the side effects come into play immediately.

Sometimes, though, one has to live with a new biochemistry for a while before it triggers.

It's actually very well documented.

Written for FTP13. Cover art by cheezedoodle96.

Chapters (1)

Applejack teaches her little sister an age-old family craft: how to knock an annoying and sleeping pegasus out of your apple tree.

This is a gift for a good friend of mine, Nobody47.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville's new 'code enforcement professional' has got it into her thick, monotonous head that Fluttershy has too great a density of pet animals, and she's set out to rectify that situation.

Twilight, though, has a problem with this, and she'll have to use her full authority as an alicorn princess to put a stop to it.

Audio reading by Crafty Arts | Dramatic reading by DRWolf

Other stories based on this story:
Six to Eight Weeks Unnecessary
Five to Seven Weeks Detention

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle. Magical prodigy. Personal student of Princess Celestia. Bearer of the Element of Magic. Princess of Friendship. Hers is easily one of the greatest destinies in Equestria.

Yes. Definitely. All predetermined. It certainly had nothing to do with any incidents she had early in her personal lessons from Celestia, nor any potent magic the Princess of the Sun kept hidden in plain sight. That would be ridiculous.

An entry in MrNumbers's Prompts and Positivity challenge.

Rated Teen for Lunar language and explicit alcohol consumption.

Chapters (1)