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From the stone age to the modern world, Celestia guides her little ponies into the future. And she needs to keep playing. Just one more turn.

Always one more turn.

Done as a speed-writing exercise in about three hours. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (2)

Celestia's personal dungeon. A thing of mystery. A thing of terror.

So just what does it take to get banished to such a deep, dark, horrific place?

Not much, actually.

Artwork by EvilbobO. Formatting assistance by ChappedPenguinLips, aka, The Best.

Chapters (1)

In the alternate timeline where Sombra was not stopped, a human finds himself suddenly in Sombra's body... just after the dread tyrant has conquered Equestria. Now trapped in a world where just about everyone hates him, he must try to keep up the illusion that he is the villainous conqueror, while at the same time try to win over his new subjects.

However, this will not be so simple, as the real Sombra is not quite dead... and he is most definitely not happy.

Part of The Ocean Of Time series.

Chapters (8)

Realizing the position they're in, the changelings decide on a different plan than the one their queen's giving.

Author's idearz: Some credit goes to this person. They did a thing and I decided to do another thing they did by basing it on the thing with this thing while they did their thing...

Chapters (1)

One fine morning, Spike woke up early and ran some errands. Then he found Discord putting up a seller's stand, apparently ready to open his own business. One which offers a one-day transformation into anything the user wants. And he apparently had the patience to set up his shop LEGALLY. Twilight and the others brace themselves for the inevitable...

(Content of future chapters controlled by user votes!) (Now with Tropes!)

Now with a 'dramatic' reading: Prologue

Current poll: The transformation is chosen already (Tatzlpony!) You pick who becomes the Tatzlpony! (Voting ends 6/25 at 5PM EST)
Previous poll: The Cutie Mark Crusaders (63 votes out of 390) and Age Manipulation (83 votes out of 392) won
Previous poll: Sunset Shimmer (transformation error won with 83 votes out of 325)
Previous poll: Princess Celestia (85 votes out of 397) and Seapony/Siren (104 votes out of 421) won
Previous poll: Trixie (86 votes out of 357) and Alicorn (90 votes out of 338) won
Previous poll: Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee (genderswap won with 199 votes out of 381)
Previous poll: Princess Luna (zebra won with 85 votes out of 368)
Previous poll: Rainbow Dash (griffon won with 274 votes out of 596!!!)
Previous poll: Rarity (diamond dog won with 184 votes out of 444!!!)
Previous poll: Starlight Glimmer (changeling royal (Chrysalis-type) won with 74 votes out of 257)
Previous poll: Pinkie Pie (alicorn won with 80 votes out 282)
Previous poll: Spike (unicorn won with 60 votes out of 225)
Previous poll: Applejack (minotaur won with 56 votes out of 254)
Previous poll: Fluttershy (draconequus won with 75 votes out of 181)

(Voting closes after a week from the posting of the current chapter)

Chapters (15)

Twilight is assassinated. Repeatedly. If only anypony knew what the word "immortal" meant...

Now with a reading by Skijarama!
Now available in Spanish!

Originally written for the Writeoff Association's February contest, "The Twilight Zone."
Thanks to Not_A_Hat, Masked Ferret, Floydien, Chryssi, and ChappedPenguinLips for prereading.

Chapters (1)

So this idea hit me about two weeks ago. I don't remember who linked it, but there it was. A clip of Yugioh abridged, ending with the Yugi yelling "ALL THE HOMO!" It stuck with me. I became obsessed with finding a way to use this overplayed joke in this beautifully pure world.

The more I played with it, the more I realized that the best one to utilize this joke would be, of course, a changeling.

Inspiration from this.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If You Give Someone Super-Powers...

There are patterns in all things, even if we don't look for them. After spending a few years in Ponyville, Max has gotten pretty good at spotting them, so he invites a friend of his to watch the fireworks.

Not so much a sequel as a story set at a later date in the same timeline. Inspired by Joe Diffie's song, Third Rock from the Sun. And yes, Max is my "I have an idea, but no real story premise at the moment" changeling character.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunspawned

"Hey, Glimglim--can I call you Glimglim? I've got a serious important question for you. Why aren't you snogging Sunburst yet?"

Chapters (5)

To save her sister and her faithful student, Celestia herself must travel into the ancient tunnels beneath the ruined castle in the Everfree Forest. She, and the guards who accompany her, must face the dark, twisting corridors. Still, what was Luna and Twilight's purpose at the old castle? Why were they unable to return of their own accord?

And what watches Celestia from beyond the light's edge?

Chapters (6)