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Twilight Sparkle is called away to tend to Luna when she falls ill. As Luna grows sicker and Twilight more determined to help the younger princess, she begins to uncover dark secrets about the elements, the alicorns, and her own past.

Chapters (9)

It seemed so simple. An afternoon out with friends and the ones you love, but life is rarely predictable. It only takes a moment to throw someone's life upside down.

Chapters (13)

Novel Tale is an author that's been living in Canterlot for about ten years now. That's a pretty good track record for a changeling. He's even included a changeling character in his latest book, and his fans have been loving his take on such an obscure mythological creature, especially his biggest fan, Twilight Sparkle. Things are looking up!

Then an army of changelings from another hive attacks Canterlot.

Now all of ponykind knows that changelings are real, and his readers are sure to realize that the changeling in his book was too similar to the real thing to have just been based on a myth...

earlier chapters have been revised as of 7/19/13 to be more inline quality wise with the later chapters.

Featured on EQD 10/5/13!

Let it be known that there will be extensive changeling world building in the chapters to come.

cover image courtesy of ackdari.

Much thanks to Nyerguds for proofreading and to all my fellow tropers on the TvTropes pony fanfiction thread for helping me develop this from a vague idea into an actual story.

Chapters (16)

Set in the 'Youngverse'

One day whilst out practising, Luna gets spooked by a butterfly and accidentally sends it to the moon. Running high on giddiness at her new power, she decides to play several pranks on her sister Celestia.

Surely nothing bad will happen, right?

The first story from Luna's and Celestia's childhood in the 'When they were Young: Luna and Celestia trilogy'.

When they were Young: Luna and Celestia trilogy.
'When They Were Young: The Box Queen and the Dracony' - Part two - Part two
'When They Were Young: Operation: Cookie Liberation' - Part three

Inspired by this comic by the wonderful Flaysch-Katzerl, go and show her art some love.

Thanks to DVAN56 and DisHarmonize for their help!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart Volume Three: Hybrid

Warden, the broken pegasus, his wife, Kuno the changeling, and their hybrid daughter, Swarm, continue their adventures in a wild, wacky world!

Chapters (16)

Two worlds that were never meant to meet. Two ancient and powerful artifacts, separated by dimensions. Two princesses who need to defend their kingdom from an ancient evil thought to be sealed away.

One man, thrown in between it all by the cruel hand of fate.

(Not a self-insert)

Chapters (14)

Silver Quill's childhood crush was a simple, fleeting thing, although one that he didn't really understand. But when he finally meets the pony that interested him so many years ago, his normally calm and organized mind is thrown for a loop. Now he has to get his feelings under control and not make a complete fool of himself while trying his hardest to get rid of this cursed writers block that got him here in the first place. Easier said than done.

First fic, constructive critisicm welcome.

Chapters (22)

Spike has always considered Ponyville his home, and has always held Rarity a special place in his heart. That is, until a group of dragons showed up after years of looking for him. After meeting his real family and hearing why he was brought into the ponies' care, he starts to rethink his old thoughts.

Now he only has a week to make a decision: either stay with the ponies who loved and cared for him most of his life, or go with the dragons and finally be with his real family. The decision would have been all so clear...

...if there wasn't another factor in the equation.

Much love to those who oversaw the story:

Pre-Readers: Skeeter the Lurker & Mr101
Editors: The Abyss & Man_Demon

Chapters (3)

It's a normal day in Ponyville. Elusive, Rainbow Blitz, and Bubble Berry are all hanging out and having a good time until Blitz offends Elusive's honor as a stallion. Now the three have a bet, the objective: Get a date with one of their close friends, Applejack Twilight Sparkle, and Fluttershy.

This story contains R63 on three of the mane six and a few other characters. This idea was spawned by the picture.

Warning may contain massive Dwaa's and a few clichés.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Day in the Life

Butterscotch, the luckiest and most unlucky pony at the same time. He's a hit with the mares, but only because they feel sorry for him. Stallions hate him for his successes with the mares, but secretly pester him day and night about how he charms them. What's a poor stallion like Butterscotch going to do, especially when he gets something all the other stallions want?

R63 Fluttershy, Big Mac and Cheerilee. Love triangles ftw!

Chapters (4)