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Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle have a private meeting during the Royal Nightmare Night Party.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Mainly awesome. But romantic, certainly not. Of all the ponies who would attempt a forbidden romance, nopony would have thought she would.

Now she finds herself head over hooves in love with a mortal enemy of the country. On top of that, she has to face the one group of ponies she's terrified of rejecting her new found romance: her best friends.

[Tales of the Carnageverse]

Note: This story was created as a prompt from the RD Random Shipping Game. The game required you to roll a dice and depending on the number, you would then write a 100-500 word ship with a corresponding character. I got number 13 which was a male changeling. The rest of the story is a continuation from the prompt.

Cover Art: The Maiah

Editors: DemonRykuKyuubi, mikemeiers, Cerulean Starlight.

Chapters (18)

It was only natural that introspection would come in the wake of something as monumental as a royal wedding. With the festivities of Shining Armor's betrothal long since past, Twilight has come to realize that there exists a tremendous gap in her studies of friendship, that being that she doesn't really have any stallion friends. That's likely because pursuing platonic relations with the opposite gender is rather difficult when there's a growing desire in her heart for something deeper than her friends can provide.

After an afternoon of disturbed study time and unexpected dental catastrophe, the last thing Twilight would have expected was for opportunity to come knocking in the form of a quiet stallion reading in her library. Enraptured by the chance to expand her education, Twilight bumbles into the newcomer's life without the faintest notion of the depth of the pony's loss. Though her faith in friendship is strong, it will take more than her magic to undo the scars of his past, and keep a heart once filled with wonder from succumbing to the power of doubt.

Set after the events of the season three pilot and before Twilight is crowned princess.

Chapters (5)

Off shoot of: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Off the Record.

Alex and Spike, along with the Mane 6, are sent to a new, luxurious resort, named 'Haven Station,' under the pretense of enjoying a relaxing week off.

Unfortunately, things aren't quite what they seem, when everypony suddenly vanishes, leaving Alex in a dire situation.

Not knowing who he can trust, Alex, has to cut a deal with the pony he hoped he'd never have to work with, in order to save his friends.

Will they work together and save everypony? Or will the rivalry between Alex and himself, spell doom for the Elements of Harmony?

Chapters (12)

[General Description At the Bottom]

Omnipotence was truly… Beautiful. But the 'holier-than-thou,' attitude sorta ruined it for him.

“Tell me,” She asked, her tone nothing but condescending, as she leaned toward the face of the entrapped pony in front of her, “You think yourself important?”

“Important?” Alex asked, scratching his chin as best he could inside the levitation spell that held him in place, “Maybe?”

“Truly an impressive answer,” She scoffed, an ugly scowl plastered across her face, “You assume, that slightly altering the chain of events in a universe, could ever make you worth something? Pathetic.”

“That hurts!” Alex half-grinned, feigning shock to her, “Between the time travel, the split personality, and the big wedding, I think I’ve made some sort of impact.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong,” She laughed, squinting lightly at him for just a moment, “Dust in the wind, was it?”

“Great song, but inappropriate use, if you ask me,” Alex smiled, unsure if her prodding through the events in his head was something he should praise her for, “But, if you’re so sure that I lack importance, you need to start from the beginning. Not when you showed up last week. Not when Scootaloo and her friends saved Equestria. Not when King Sombra was turned to dust in front of his old subjects... Not even when Discord was freed from his stone imprisonment, and tried to take over Equestria again. The very beginning. Nightmare Moon, and the return of Princess Luna.”

She gave him a sick smile, entertaining the idea. Perhaps it would be interesting to see things from such a... puny perspective. To see the series of events unfold. Of course, it could also be a waste of her time…

“Fine.” She said, slowly placing him on the ground, and resting her horn against his, “Let’s start from the beginning.”

“Get ready sweet heart,” Alex said, licking his lips and winking at her, as she closed her eyes and focused deeply, “It’s one heck of a trip.”


Basically, a guy goes to Equestria to episode 1 of the series, and he changes the whole playout of the series, adding a bunch of side stories and different paths for some characters to take.

And, he's an alicorn OC.

Yeah yeah, I get it.

Off you run and cry about it. I've heard about it twelve million times. Literally. Not Hyperbolically.

If you insist on calling him a Gary Stu, and a self-insert, I'll assume you're flirting with me, and calling me perfect, since a Gary Stu tends to have no flaws .

So unless you plan on taking me out, and maybe getting some wine in me, don't go calling me perfect.



Cover art was done by Famosity! Here is a link:


Chapters (194)

Sweetie Belle is finally ready to take the plunge and open her music studio, and wants Rarity to be the first to see it. Will her big sister support her, or be opposed to her dream?

Pre-read by Mercury Zero

Edited by The Elusive NinJay

Chapters (1)

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged. The God mistaking Damon for a follower of his.

Now stuck in Equestria, Damon finds himself thrown into a series of bizarre and epic adventures that will change his life, and those around him, for the better. And quite possibly for the worse.

Cover art is done by me.

Thanks to DVAN56, Berry Punch, Rainbowbob and Bocaj518

Chapters (33)

Vaati the Wind Mage has grown bored with the whole villain thing. He's trapped himself in a cycle doomed to repeat itself forever. Seeking a way to escape this miserable cycle of escape, kidnapping, and defeat, the legendary sorcerer inadvertantly teleports himself to another world entirely; a world populated by talking magical ponies who believe friendship is magic. Just how will the former villain survive this sugar bowl of a world? Will he end up learning a few lessons in friendship himself? One thing's for sure, retirement has never been this exciting.

AUTHOR NOTE: This story takes place in an episodic format. That is, it follows the style of the show in that every chapter is an 'episode', hence why they will all be lengthy. Some episodes will be canon ones with Vaati along for the ride, and others will be original where Vaati takes center-stage. The first episode takes place shortly after 'Griffon the Brush-Off'. Vaati is from Legend of Zelda and is property of Nintendo. You already know who owns FiM.

Chapters (18)

Stoic. Calm. Unflappable. And above all, Professional. These are attributes that the pianist Frederic Horseshoepin likes to pride himself on.

But sometimes it's difficult to stay professional. Frederic finds it difficult to maintain a veneer of stoicism when he has to deal with his own feelings. What can he do when he's in love with a mare that he cannot hope to have?

Chapters (6)

My name is James. I'm your typical student: I sleep. I do my homework, all that jazz.

But, I mostly love to game. Gaming is my passion.
I have played a wide variety of video games throughout my lifetime. Some, I hate. Some I love. Some I haven't even played yet.

So, when I'm offered to have a chance to become a person in some foreign world, wielding the power of every video game I've ever played, I jumped at the chance.

...What the hell did I get myself into?

(My first, true HiE fic! All criticism welcome!)

Chapters (2)