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Mother said it would be an easy job: grab the baby and replace it with a decoy. Standard changeling business.

It's just a baby, after all. Anyone can handle a baby.

Chapters (1)

The changelings have been leaderless for a while now.
Ever since "The Incident" they've been by themselves without any guidance.
They've tried finding others, but somehow, some way, the leaders they've found have either been imprisoned, reformed, or worse...

Luckily, after over a year of searching, they've found someone who can help.
Someone who almost won a battle against their worst enemy.
Someone who could lead even better than their queen.
Someone who just needed the right amount of subjects to make her plans a reality.

Because the changelings know that Starlight isn't reformed and still wants revenge...right?

Chapters (2)

It's not easy being a filly Pegasus in Junior Speedsters Flight Camp. Things get more complicated for Rainbow Dash when her desire to nap all day makes life worse for those around her. Cue the shenanigans.

Chapters (1)

Okay, first off, you don't get to call me Flurry Heart. Not unless you have special privileges which are only afforded to those who are related to me and/or are national heroes. Or, I guess, if you're that guard that mom sends after me...

Point is, I'm Skyla. Got it memorized? SKY. LA.

Now these are the stories of how I earned myself that name. And a few other titles. And look, maybe mom and dad say I'm just going through a phase, but I say PHASES ARE FOR WIMPS. This, is who I am!

And the only reason I'm using Circus-Cinnamon's photo is because I can't find any other photos with how I really feel on it. I mean seriously, crystal ponies, I'm yelling half the time, is it that hard to take an angry picture?!

Chapters (7)

Sunset Shimmer loans Pinkie Pie a thumb drive.

Except that it's the wrong thumb drive. And that it contains exactly what you'd expect to find in the wrong thumb drive to loan away.

Rated Teen and Sex for discussions of pornography and self-love.

Chapters (1)

One day, Twilight Sparkle discovers something amazing about her friend Sunset Shimmer.

She's a magical talking pony!

This requires investigation! Science! Possibly a full-body physical!

Or maybe Twilight will just ask her what's up with that.

Rated Teen for frank discussions about... y'know.

Chapters (1)

While hanging out with her friends, Sunset Shimmer learns that earth horses apparently can't vomit.

As a magical talking pony, this discovery utterly baffles her.

Proofread by the ever helpful RQK

Chapters (1)

Despite their supposed massive power, Alicorns have done a rather poor job of saving the day. Twilight discovers that there's an actual reason for that.

Featured on EqD 6/6/16!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Adventures of Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent

Tirek has escaped. The plan to send Discord after him has failed in every way possible. Now the princesses are left waiting for Tirek's invasion of their castle. They can already feel the ground shaking as the massive centaur approaches. With no other options, they must give their magic to somepony capable of hiding it away from Tirek.

Unfortunately, the only guard close enough is one on probation. Like super probation.

This can only end poorly.

Chapters (1)

When Rarity returns from a welcome party for Twilight, she finds a mare sleeping on the street. She shows what means to be the bearer of the Element of Generosity, allowing the poor mare to stay with her. In that time, Rarity will discover two things from the mare.

This story takes place immediately after my first story Love me... I mean, if that's ok with you. It's not a direct sequel. Don't like F/F, don't read. But if you are like "Don't tell me what to do!" Then go ahead.
Found this image in google, I do not take credit for that.

If you don't like it, please, leave a comment saying why so I can improve as a writer.

Chapters (12)