• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014


Short stories, Comedy, Random, and Slice of Life. These are the types of stories I love to read.

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Roseluck is an Alicorn now, and she really wants Twilight's advice on the subject.

Written for Seventh Heaven

Chapters (1)

It's been three months since Princess Celestia appeared in your bed. Three months since she took that bed, along with your sheets and your pillows. Three months since she nearly drove your girlfriend away from you. But peace was made, and everything had been going relatively smoothly. Life was even beginning to look up.

Until today.

A spin-off of Ocalhoun's Princess Celestia is in your bed.
Cover art/inspiration by GSphere.
With pre-reading/advice from Admiral Biscuit, NeonGreenTiger, and Majin Syeekoh.

Live reading by Ichabod Creep!
Russian translation by Hellsmenser!
Chinese translation by Dashwhite!

Chapters (1)

Having grown tired of seeing ponies worship the very ground that the Princesses walk on, Discord decides that it's high time ponies started worshiping him instead.

In his very own Cult of Chaos, no less.

Chapters (1)

Annoyed that the nobles keep taking up all of princess Celestia's time filly Twilight vents the only way she knows how. By writing an essay! However she wrote this essay on the blank bottom of the scroll containing the speech Princess Celestia was to read to her little ponies. And once the speech ends, Celestia doesn't stop. Much to the horror of some of the nobles in the crowd.

Proof read by Cobalt Comet

Edited by Dark Chocolate

This story now has a Youtube reading.

Chapters (1)

While strolling around town, Twilight Sparkle accidentally knocks out Derpy's contact lenses, revealing perfectly normal eyes hidden underneath.

So what else could Derpy be faking?

Chapters (1)

Twilight starts to viciously attack Rarity with snuggles one fine, seemingly-normal morning. Cuteness and an extremely confused Rarity marshmallow follows.

Edited by thegamerator10 and Harmony Pie

{First 7 comments deleted accidentally}

Chapters (1)

After deciding it best that Equestria lay claim over all of Earth and its inhabitants, Princess Celestia finds she now has a very special birthday present to offer to her sister.

Namely: Canada.

Chapters (1)

Nothing suspicious going on here.
Just a group of bugs coming together to create a show for everyone to watch.
Twilight doesn't believe it for a second.

Chapters (1)

A long, long time ago, there was a knight who set out on a noble quest to save a fair maiden and, if possible, slay the dragon keeping her captive.

Only... things don't always go as planned.

Many thanks to the incredibly talented hattonslayden for letting me use this picture for the cover art. Check out his work some time!

Update: featured? Oh my... I feel all tingly inside...

Chapters (1)

After Twilight destroyed her utopia of equal ponies, Starlight knew she would strike back. And now, she's ready. Her plan is flawless; sublime, even. She will make Twilight regret the day she ever crossed paths with her. She even has a dramatic entrance planned for maximum effect.

Now if only she can find Twilight without getting lost in the Castle of Friendship.

Chapters (1)