• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014


Short stories, Comedy, Random, and Slice of Life. These are the types of stories I love to read.

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"Thanks, Mom." Two simple words said by a simple guard.

Not so simple when those words are accidentally addressed to Princess Celestia.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Chocolate Talk

One warm summer night on the castle balcony, Twilight Sparkle must ask Princess Celestia a very important question; the pony she trusts with all her heart. Surely the thick book from the past can't be true.

Dedicated to Nordryd, an amazing friend

Edited by chillbook1 and zdaysavior

Review by Titanium Dragon

Reading Chocolate Talk is not required to understand this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luminescence

Princess Celestia awakens in the very first hours of dawn to tap deep into her magical reserves and bring the ponies of Equestria a new day. She does this every morning, every day of her life.

However, she does so every morning with a smile on her face. One as warm and radiant as the sun itself.

This story is standalone. You do not need to read the prequel first.

Preread by Rainedash

Chapters (1)

The Tasty Treat becomes a successful restaurant, despite not having the three-hoof rating that makes all the restaurants in Restaurant Row successful. The Queen of Cuisine, Zesty Gourmand, will not let this stand without criticism.

Unfortunately for her, somepony else will not let her flawed method of critiquing restaurants go unpunished. And he's not holding back anything. No way in Hell, especially in his own kitchen.

Spoilers for Season 6 Episode 12

Random Oneshot Idea that just popped in my head.

Contains vulgar language and verbal bashing (Judging from the cover art, you can tell why).

Chapters (1)

Yesterday, Dinky Hooves learned a new word. Today, she's going to share that new word with her two best friends at school.

Fluttershy really should've watched her mouth a little more.

[Based on you-all-know-which scene from S6E11: "Flutter Brutter". Thanks to Tayman and themaskedferret for pre-reading.]

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy never thought she would be called "Cute" before. Now that she has, she doesn't like it one bit.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Hears The Narrator

After her odd encounter with the mysterious entity, Twilight has grown rather accustomed to living with the voice of a narrator following her life. Although she still doesn't understand his presence, she has begun to accept him as a friend. But the confusion only grows, as the Narrator finds himself following the stories of other ponies. And Twilight will soon learn that she is not the only one who can hear the voice of the handsome, talented, witty, charming, manly gentlecolt yours truly!

Chapters (11)

After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her.

And then she learns another truth.

And another. And another. And...

Chapters (2)

*FEATURED 5/12/16 :pinkiehappy: *

Twilight's dinner party to show Celestia Starlight's progress as a student of friendship was a disaster of epic proportions.

Okay, fine, that's being a little dramatic. The evening didn't go as planned of course, but some good things did come from it, it's not like anybody got hurt, and Twilight did her best (give her a break--she's new to this 'teaching' thing). So why did Celestia--normally poised and calm and understanding Celestia--look so angry? She acted like Twilight was inconveniencing her on purpose! No wonder the friendship princess was so frazzled.

Later that night, Celestia returns to Canterlot. And, after a lot of stubborn denial (and some interference from a certain being of chaos), she finally confides in Princess Luna the real reason she was so frustrated. Luna listens, comforts her, and then proceeds to do her duty as princess of the night by making everyone's evening a little more peaceful.

The night heals all wounds.

Chapters (1)

Luna ruins a painting. No big deal, it was just the night after all.

Pre-read by: ChappedPenguinLips|Majora

Chapters (1)