• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014


Short stories, Comedy, Random, and Slice of Life. These are the types of stories I love to read.

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Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle are called to Canterlot to take over two very important responsibilities: The Sun and the Moon

Oh, and just one additional thing.

Placed 8th in the Writeoff.me event for Out of Time

(Now on Equestria Daily Cover Source - MLP Wiki site )

Chapters (1)

Fresh cookies are a great start to a summer afternoon, and an unexpected surprise makes things even better. What's a little filly to do, though, when the best foalsitter ever is running late, her BBBFF starts acting funny, and her house is filled with molten rock?

Chapters (1)

Have you ever been so angry that you turned your faithful student into a princess?

A tongue-in-cheek (hoof-in-mouth?) response to the fandom reaction following the announcement of Princess Twilight.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow discovers that she has a pest problem in her house. The pest turns out to be both cuter and more annoying than she expected.

A winner of the 2015 Bat Pony writing contest.

Russian translation by KoylanGOLD
Also read: The Most Annoying House Guest

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis has won.

With her magic now far more powerful than even Celestia's, nopony can stop her complete conquest of Equestria.

Well, maybe nopony can stop her, but one man can.


Reading by CaptainBron3y!

Chapters (1)

Trigger warning: cutesy language

Celestia gives her sister a 'fanfic' about Luna and a lunar guard.
Luna tries to reply in kind.
Will it have its intended effect?

Rated E for 'extra silly'

thanks to all my prereaders for your suggestions

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 3)

That was easy!

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

Expect new chapters daily.

Chapters (26)

Ever since visiting the Pie farm, Big Macintosh has had rocks on his mind.

The latest episode just kind of demanded that I write this.

Thanks to Jordanis for the swift and grammatical editing!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is asked if things were things.
Then she is asked if the things they were weren't what they were.
Then she is asked if the things that weren't what were were what they weren't were.
Luckily, Discord is there to make sense of it all.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Goodnight Woon

Sequel to Goodnight Woon.

Ponies always want different things, but oftentimes, getting what they want is harder than it looks... if they manage to get it at all. Some may beg, some may plot, some may ask nicely, all will be explored.

Chapters (3)