• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014


Short stories, Comedy, Random, and Slice of Life. These are the types of stories I love to read.

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Estimated Reading: 1 week



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This story is a sequel to The Moon, The Flower, And The Door

Effective Immediately, This Story Has Been Cancelled.

"Anyone Can Be A Wizard..."

Morning Glory has succeeded in passing Princess Luna's test, and is now her personal protege... and soon to be her foster daughter. All seems to be sunshine, lollipops, and fluffy puppies forever... until Luna makes a discovery regarding the young filly's parentage, one that could wound the young filly's heart terribly. Keeping this information a secret seems wisest, especially given the connection the young filly has with Celestia's new student, but it soon becomes clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg, as the filly begins exhibiting strange and seemingly inexplicable talents. The young filly seems intent upon becoming a wizard, in spite of being an earth pony. Is such a thing possible, and is Equestria ready for it? And if so, what kind of a wizard would she be?

One thing soon becomes clear: No matter what the outcome turns out to be, something big is about to happen in Equestria, and when it's all over, nothing may ever be the same....

Chapters (12)

"Terror strikes Ponyville as an undead ruler roams the streets! Its shops and houses lay abandoned at her moaning hooves, and only one brave soul can save it! Will she have the heart though?"

"...Pinkie, shut up."

Written a couple weeks back, so none of my followers worry, please.

A rough comic rendition done by my patreon partner Knotted. Final will not be coming, as we have too much else to work on, so he provided the cover instead.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Adventures of Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent

Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent's adventure in Canterlot is going about as well you'd expect. (Absolutely amazingly and all according to plan.)

Now, about that shower.

Written as parody-sequel for ocalhoun's Big 250k Contest Please check out the original story. (This one will make more sense if you do too.)

"Echo the Bat Pony 5" vector by Zee66

Chapters (1)

The changeling ruler, Queen Chrysalis, finds herself a red ball one day. She decides to have a little fun, but what's fun without someone else?

Comments, criticism, and baking recipes are appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Luna samples a culinary delight, discovered in her absence. Issues are addressed and secrets are unearthed because of this marvellous beverage.

Its name is... coffee?

Chapters (1)

At first, Princess Celestia was only in your bed. Then she was still in your bed. Now, she has stolen all of your bed sheets and refuses to leave that same bed.

So what could this have to do with the fate of all mankind?

Spin-off of Princess Celestia Is In Your Bed.

Entry into ocalhoun's Big 250K Contest.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)

A breakfast conversation between the princesses turns toward Celestia's long history of losing fights.

Chapters (1)

It was another quiet day in Ponyville when that peace was shattered by the arrival of a new foe.

What does this new enemy want, and to what depths will it stoop to to gain victory over the so-called Elements of Harmony?

And why is no one taking him seriously?

Wow, Featured on February 2nd 2016! Thanks!

Chapters (3)

Spitfire just wanted a normal day to the Cloudsdale market to buy some apples. Here's the catch: there's a little blue pegasus that keeps following her around...
And why does she keep yelling, "Mommy!"?


When pictures give you ideas, it's up to your imagination whether you wanna turn it into a story.

FEATURED on 1/28/16!

Dramatic reading by SkyOfStorms! Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

At a tea party with all of her friends, Fluttershy returns from the kitchen to find her beloved Angel Bunny dead on the floor. Obviously, one of her friends must've been the culprit. That leaves Fluttershy wondering one very important question: "Okay! Who killed Angel Bunny?"

But maybe not for the reasons everyone might think.

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Chapters (1)