• Member Since 4th Dec, 2014


Short stories, Comedy, Random, and Slice of Life. These are the types of stories I love to read.

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Total Words: 3,093,950
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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After a year and a half of being on this site... FIRST STORY FEATURED! 4/29/14
I love you all.

Parents gone, check.
Castle to themselves, check.
Totally gonna be the responsible older sister... debatable.

Celestia finally has a chance to prove that she's old enough to stay home alone with Luna, if she doesn't completely mess everything up first.

Very short story, very cute story. Personal writing practice.
HERE IS A LINK to the artist of the cover image, of which I take no credit. Awesome gallery, check it out!

Chapters (26)

One fateful morning, Princess Luna finds Celestia has turned into a megalomaniacal tyrant with one clear goal in mind: to be sent to the moon. She even has her bags packed and everything.

So what about this seems off?

Now with a youtube reading! HERE!

Featured on Equestria Daily 11/03/15!

Chapters (1)

Celestia sends Twilight her last, greatest assignment. The lost masterpiece of Star Swirl the Bearded!

The spell that the greatest mage of all time couldn't figure out.

The spell given to her by the mare who thought releasing Discord was a good idea.

The spell that, upon closer inspection, seems about as stable as Rarity's emotional state and as safe as Rainbow Dash's usual workout.

... Maybe Twilight should double check with the princess first.

Winner of the Rage Reviews F*CK THIS PROMPT 6 contest. Prompt: "Equestria is getting a new Alicorn Princess."

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is facing a crisis greater than Tirek, the Changelings, and King Sombra combined.

She's read every single book in existence.

So it is that she has nothing new to read.

She does not take it well.

Pre-read by The Albinocorn and MythrilMoth.

Review by Gear Tech the Living Robot

Dramatic reading by DRWolf
Reading by Wing T. Spears

Chapters (1)

When spring sets in, a lot of animals tend to display some rather ... unconventional behavior patterns.

Griffins are no exceptions.

Credit for the cover goes to Muffinshire.

Also check out this amazing reading by the amazing DanMcIntosh!

I can't believe this thing has been featured for two whole days. My sincerest thanks to everyone who enjoyed the story and made this possible!

Chapters (1)

After storming into Princess Celestia's personal study unannounced, Twilight Sparkle soon learns her yearly battles against the forces of evil are a little more scripted than she'd thought.

And this year, Princess Celestia might've just outdone herself.

Now with a youtube reading! Here!

Chapters (3)

In the wake of the Canterlot Wedding, Fluttershy has to ask Twilight a very difficult question. And then things get weird.

Not another damn parody

by KitsuneRisu

A writer you have never heard of

And probably don't care about

Rated E for Ellegal.
Endorsed by GaPJaxie and the Pope.

Chapters (1)

Royal Guard Silver Birch knows Princess Luna's history, and her... extreme reactions to being neglected in the past. When it seems Luna has been snubbed yet again, he and his partner Winter Garden take action to shield their Princess from this slight, and spare Equestria her terrible wrath.

(Inspired by a really dumb blog I did.)

Chapters (1)

Octavia has a musical history and a side to herself she'd rather not have to explain outside of Ponyville. Inside Ponyville... well, everything was fine until she spotted Vinyl Scratch. What was she doing here?

Don't panic, Octavia! Don't freak out, don't lose your mind, don't....
Oh well.
(And check out Goombasa's excellent dramatic reading!)
Cover by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

"...The test ends when you open that door."

Princess Luna has begun searching for her own personal student, and her test has hit a small snag: Not a single unicorn, out of the dozens of applicants, has passed. In fact, every last candidate has failed the test in seconds.

But just what is the purpose of this test? And how can somepony pass it?

A young earth pony named Morning Glory is going to find out.

Chapters (1)