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Twenty two years after their defeat at the hands of the Rainbooms, Adagio has lost contact with her former cohorts. However, when she receives shocking news, she tracks down one of them for another meeting...

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Thanks to my wonderful editors on this, Savoured Thoughts, Winston, Chengar Qordath, and Grand_Moff_Pony

Featured on EQD 11/24/15

Chapters (1)

With the defeat of the sirens and her subsequent acceptance at school, Sunset Shimmer had thought her life had made a turn for the better.

She thought it would be easy to simply forget the Dazzlings.

However, a run-in with Sonata Dusk brings in another perspective on the whole Battle of the Bands episode, one Sunset had never really stopped to contemplate.

After all, it takes one monster to understand another...

Featured 11/1/14 - 11/5/14

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to She Knows How To Treat A Lady

Trixie heads to Carousel Boutique to spend her first Hearth Warming Eve with somepony she loves. Trixie and Rarity have plans for the night with Sweetie Belle. But the plans are changed when the filly brings a friend with her, who also happens to be her crush.

Cover can be found here

Chapters (1)

"My name is Sunset Shimmer, and there are two Twilight Sparkles who are both madly in love with me.

Please help."

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds all this studying of magic rarely lends itself an opportunity to use it. Until a certain arrogant unicorn shows up to tout her abilities. It's the perfect opportunity to show the town her magical prowess...almost too perfect.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer assembles the townponies of... the town to finally pick a name for the village they all dwell in. However, finding a name that does not promote any form of inequality proves to be harder than she imagines.

Inspired by a brief chat with Tired Old Man

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, horrified at finding that the Dazzlings are back and are somehow broadcasting their song around the school, has taken it upon herself to save the day.

Someone should really explain to her what a fire drill is.

Special thanks to the awesome MoHawgo for the cover art.

Now with a reading by AstroBrony!

Chapters (1)

Trixie just met the class president, Twilight-senpai, and now she's got this strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Is it love? Is it a crush? Is it the expired soba bread she ate for breakfast? Well, according to the nurse, it's something rather common: Senpai Fever. Just one problem... it only has one known cure.

Trixie has to get Twilight-senpai to notice her.

Yeah, I'm gonna blame Pav for this one.

Chapters (1)