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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Sonata realizes that she may have a crush on Sunset. Not exactly knowing how to deal with her new found feelings, she asks Adagio and Aria for help, which probably wasn't the best idea.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to First Date

After Sweetie Belle and Button Mash became a couple, Diamond Tiara has been giving them a harder time than usual. Finally, when Sweetie finally confronts her on the matter, Diamond takes it as a challenge and makes a dare with her: if Sweetie Belle manages to win the upcoming talent show, Diamond will leave them alone. But, if Diamond wins, she gets Button to herself!

Will Button and the Crusaders get Sweetie to perform?

Celebrating 450+ followers!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Her Knight In Shining Aria

Sonata starts to think that there might be something more to her relationship with Aria. Aria on the other hand, does not. And Adagio...well Adagio's trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Chapters (1)

Okay Sunset, you can do this. All you have to do is walk up to her and tell her how you feel. It's Valentine's Day, and Twilight isn't the type of girl to go out her way to embarrass someone. I can do this. I can do this. I...I...

Featured 2/12/15

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is being threatened by the ravaging gang of drakes, Krastos’ Krew, looking to eat the town out of house and home! Brute force won’t work against these creatures, but Twilight Sparkle comes up with a plan to end their threat once and for all. A plan that rests on the shoulders of...Fluttershy?!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer tried forgetting about her past. Tried letting three years of tormenting others and destroying their self pride simply go away. Today is the day she will pay for such a mistake.

Set in EqG
Thank you to Rated Ponystar, Sholan, and Dementia Ravenmane for prereading.

Chapters (1)

Sundays are always special for her; but, through the thick and thin, this was most certainly Rarity's best Sunday ever.

Disclaimer; Cover art by GlancoJusticar

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Apple for Ya Trouble

Following where An Apple for Ya Trouble left off, a collision and an awkward meeting can prove to be a lot to handle for little Scootaloo!

She just can't seem to get that pretty girl out of her head! What's going on with her?

Just a little side note: All of the "foals" are a tiny bit aged up. More like 8th grade/freshman in high school versus elementary kids. :twilightsmile:

The best team in the world;
My "big picture" guy: Sirius_Face
My smooth criminal/editor: scuba12
My main idea man: TheMusicalBoy93
My favorite cheerleader: rainbowwolfblitz

Disclaimer; Cover art is not mine

Chapters (1)

Finals are approaching at Canterlot High and with the Dazzlings affair solved, Sunset Shimmer can finally concentrate on her studies, but for someone else it's also an occasion to get revenge on the girl that played a major role in their defeat...

Rated Teen for ecchi situations

Chapters (1)

After an extensive night of gazing at the ceiling, and entertaining their feelings in the dark, Twilight has something important to ask Trixie, come the morning light.

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou SO MUCH!!! <3<3<3

Chapters (1)