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It's Hearts and Hooves Day and once again Applejack finds herself uninterested in the festivities. This year, however, Applejack is shocked to hear a strange voice "in the sky" that narrates her life and is pressuring her into romantic feelings for Rarity. Applejack is at the mercy of this unknown source as she is pulled to carousel boutique to seal her fate with Rarity in one sweet simple kiss.

Chapters (1)

After years of gathering magical artifacts and assorted doohickeys, Trixie feels it's finally time to open up her own shop. The only problem is that she's located right across the street from The Golden Oaks Library, much to the annoyance of Ponyville's resident librarian-turned-princess. Luckily none of the stuff Trixie is selling is cursed, or so she's telling ponies.

Chapters (1)

Sonata Dusk is just thinking about everything when Dusk Shine arrives at her table. She may or may not have a teensy little crush on him.
Featuring the newest ship, DuskDusk: Sonata Dusk x Dusk Shine (R63 Twilight)
P.S. Excuse my lack of creativity on the title, the original was That DuskDusk Story with No Good Title. I'm serious.
P.P.S. The art is mine :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (1)

Anthea, the adopted daughter of Fluttershy, finally gets to spend the entire day with her new coltfriend, Turquoise Blitz. However, their fun day is cut short by a storm that hits Ponyville. Not being able to get home because of the storm, Turquoise spends the night and helps Annie overcome her fear of the dark.


Look! I actually wrote another story. For those who don't watch me on deviantART or aren't familiar with these Next Gen characters, I highly suggest you check out their bios first. You don't need to but I feel like it'll make the story more enjoyable.

Bios for Anthea and Turquoise Blitz

If you like this story or at leas the characters, check out more stories about them in this group!


(Feedback on my writing in general is greatly appreciated. It's definitely something I'd love to improve on.)

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings is a up-and-coming musician living in the quiet town of Ponyville. Her marefriend Bon Bon owns and operates Canter Candies, the town's specialty sweets shop. They've been together for years, and everypony around knows what a happy couple they are. But any relationship has its ups and downs, and it's hard to ignore every awkward moment.

Like when Lyra's ex arrives in town.
Because she thinks Lyra still has a thing for her.
Because someone's been impersonating her for the past few years.

...Bon Bon might be in trouble here.

Thanks to Einhander for pre-reading and Exuno for editing!

Now with a reading by Goombasa!

Chapters (5)

After loosing a bet to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara dresses up as a pig. This gives her the unwanted attention of Apple Bloom, who has become completely obsessed with her. Can Diamond Tiara survive this nightmare?

Spoiler warning: No.

Written for Valentine's Day, err, I mean Hearts and Hooves Day.

Chapters (1)

It's been a rough five months working for Suri Polomare. At first Coco thought she was just a bit demanding, but once Fashion Week came around her boss reveals how nasty she really is. When she hears about Suri's awful scheme to steal the trophy from Rarity, Coco snaps.

She snaps hard.

Now with a Youtube reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Second Youtube reading by Visualpony Thenarrator

Chapters (1)

When Sonata's wish to be a pony for a day comes true, the Dazzlings are stunned. But shock soon turns to chaos as Sonata, only 1 1/2 feet tall, makes her friends' lives a nightmare. Can Adagio and Aria make it through the day with their sanity intact? Or will they sucumb to the sheer adorableness of an adowable wittle Sowawa? :rainbowkiss:

Featured 12/31/14, 1:50 a.m.! Thanks a bunch guys! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

The Dazzlings are in poverty. While Adagio sleeps, Aria tries to comfort a sad Sonata.


This goes out to Bookish Delight, who requested I expand on the second chapter of my Halloween anthology.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Expulsion

Sonata Dusk, once lost and unsure, is living proof that people can change. When she realizes how hard it is to make amends and regain the respect of her peers, she will make an attempt to do some good, so the students of Canterlot High could see who she really is.

Setting up a café sounds like a great start.

Chapters (2)