Twilight Stories 434 stories
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Twilight has spent a lot of time in her library, reading, and Rainbow misses Twilight of they both spending time together. She decides to propose a bet for Twilight. If Rainbow wins, Twilight will be her body pillow for a week. If Twilight wins, Rainbow will be her pillow body. Who will win and be lucky enough to be able to hug the mare they like best in bed?

This history is a request of superfun

This is the last request story I will do.

Chapters (5)

She really should've expected these results.

Now featuring a reading by StraightToThePoint Studio! Thank you to them. :twilightsmile:

Angel Midnight wrote an unofficial sequel called The Royal Sisters Take A DNA Test. Go read it. :pinkiehappy:

And if you wish to write your own sequel you may go ahead. All I ask is that you provide me a link when you post it. :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (1)

Rainbow becomes a giant and pounces on a house; Twilight is scared of that previous clause.

Chapter is taken from an anthology written long ago.

Chapters (1)

Midnight Sparkle demands Princess Luna's help lest she invade Equestria. Princess Luna, unfortunately, has some bad news for Midnight Sparkle that is completely outside of her control. In return Midnight Sparkle has bad news for Princess Luna... Bad news for everyone!

This was written for Angel Midnight as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

As usual, I'm weird and write exactly 1k words.

Chapters (1)

After hearing from Sunset about the Anon-A-Miss scandal at Canterlot High, Twilight decides to set things straight. Right after she gives her friends an earful on how stupid they are.

A parody of everyone's favorite Equestria Girls comic story, because it seems to be the only one we like.

Chapters (1)

It is a brilliant day, and Twilight Sparkle has no reason to feel so down. Yet here she is.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the next of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff! Check out the previous story here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight asks Starlight why she’s not a Princess-Princess like Celestia. Starlight gives her a very sweet answer. Twilight and Starlight fluff.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has a sudden realisation concerning her friendship with Twilight Sparkle and she races through the streets of Ponyville in order to find her; what could it be that has caused the fearless pegasus such consternation, and how will Twilight react to the news?

Chapters (1)

Rainbow's world came crashing down when she gave Twilight the first draft of her manuscript. It was terrible, and Twilight pointed it out. But Twilight didn't know the whole story. She didn't know what the story meant to Rainbow...

T for Suicide References.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been feeling pressured by the demands of the Wonderbolts recently - it's really been getting to her.

Maybe Twilight can help.

TwiDash one-shot (also comfort snuggles!) :3

Chapters (1)