Twilight Stories 434 stories
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What would happen if Twilight tried to write a letter to Princess Celestia while being drunk? And what would happen exactly if that letter actually reached Celestia?

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle, prized student of Princess Celestia, has always been very good at magic. Too good.

This is the story of how she solves every problem all by herself, because she is the best pony and my favorite.

Chapters (14)

In the aftermath of Sweet and Elite, Rarity feels bad for blowing off Twilight's 21st birthday. Twilight says it's fine, but Rarity insists on letting her take Twilight out to a nightclub for a 21st birthday nopony would ever forget. Well, except for the two drunk unicorns...

This is just a little idea I got after listening to The Levels Everypony Should Know by Silva Hound.

Rated Teen for alcohol and cussing.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle takes a moment from her studies at the School for Gifted Unicorns to get a late lunch. Finding herself in a strange part of the school grounds, an apple tree and its odd fruit tempts her appetite.

Chapters (1)

It's been nearly a year since Twilight Sparkle entered the newest phase of her adulthood: princessdom. And with that change come a lot of other changes, big and small.

However, there is one thing that hasn't changed: her bedtime.

When Twilight's foreign-born mother, Twilight Velvet, comes to visit, all Tartarus breaks loose in the Sparkle household after Twilight comes home late from a party. Unfortunately for everypony involved, neither mare is backing down--at least, not without a few good shouting matches.

Story edited by John Perry, Roger Dodger, and Nick Nack (they are all beautiful men deserving of your love).
Picture edited by me. Twilight Velvet vector by TrueDesknight. Twilight Sparkle vector by Flutterflyraptor. Library background by Martinnus1 (they are all beautiful peoples deserving of your love).

Comments are always, ALWAYS appreciated.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If I Could Catch Fuzz In a Bottle

Twilight Sparkle enlists Rainbow Dash's help in a "Fuzzy Muzzle Nuzzle" research project. The experiment only has three steps. That's not too much to ask of a close friend, is it?

Written for the artist CaptainPudgeMuffin on their birthday, and using their cover art.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have been hanging out a lot lately. But that's just because they're such good friends, right?

Chapters (1)

At the request of the Mayor, the ponies of Ponyville and Cloudsdale take an IQ test. The Mayor wants to show that the ponies have become more intelligent since she was elected (knowing full well of course that Twilight now lives in Ponyville).. there are two genius ponies - Twilight Sparkle and a pony Twilight would never expect to be on par with her intellectually.

Chapters (1)

Play this song first!

Twilight Sparkle has always been looking forward to her 21st birthday. It's the day that she's finally recognized as an adult mare, but also the day she's finally able to learn magic on the highest level. What should have been a great day though, turns out to be the most horrific day in her life. She finds a prophesy talking about the next great evil in Equestria, and it's HER! Now she's falling, slowly becoming the very evil she swore to fight against, and not even her closest friends can pick her up in time. In the end, she may even...

Apple Bloom is tired of being the last in her class to not have her Cutie Mark, but her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo aren't going in the right direction to get their Cutie Marks, and she knows it. In order to get her Cutie Mark the right way, Apple Bloom begins to have thoughts of separating from her friends, and getting her Cutie Mark on her own. But her search for her Cutie Mark opens up to a major mystery in Equestria, and Apple Bloom will discover much more than just her special talent...

friends become enemies...

destinies are revealed...

light fades into the darkness...

and through it all, a hero is born...

This is the first main story in the series.

New cover art by my friend The Spectralist.

Link to the TV Tropes page!

Chapters (34)

Celestia had a problem. Somepony wrote a novel about Nightmare Moon's rebellion. This made Luna quite unhappy, and unfortunately for her sister, Luna has not yet gotten the hang of modern traditions like freedom of speech, the abolition of the death penalty, and not bothering Princess Celestia when she's trying to sleep.

Fortunately, Celestia also had a faithful student, one who is now a Princess with an ill-defined portfolio and perfectly capable of dispensing justice by the laws of both today and one thousand years ago.

Now Twilight Sparkle has a problem.

(Title image hacked together from vectors by Martinnus1, Hawk9mm, and Paulie15.)

Chapters (4)