Twilight Stories 434 stories
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Twilight gets drunk and ships Rainbow Dash with everything in the universe.

Rainbow Dash is not amused.

Chapters (4)

Extra tags: [Arachnophobia]

Twilight isn't great at dancing. Spike knows it. Her friends know it. Even the poor souls who witnessed it first hoof on her birthday party in Canterlot knows it. But that hasn't stopped her from enjoying herself while "busting a move". So when Twilight receives an invite to a party being hosted by DJ Pon3, she eagerly accepts.

However, she's more than aware that everypony finds her dancing skills lacking. To solve this and impress everypony she decides to do a little research on the subject.

In the end she'll impress everypony alright, and it's not because she studied beforehand either.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is approached by Applejack with a strange request - to join her that night for a run, but all is not as it seems. Why is Applejack so nervous? What could this be about?

Chapters (1)

According to Equestrian law, Twilight must marry a prince... and there's only one eligible bachelor prince in Equestria. Her wedding plans are going to have to be changed a little.

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Chapters (1)